Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Compare and Contrast Plato and Decsartes Essay

Descartes and Plato are two of the most influential thinkers within philosophy. The allegory of the cave and systematic doubt are also two of the most famous concepts within philosophy. Plato at the time of writing the cave allegory was trying to resist the growing influence of the Sophist philosophers who prioritised semantics and rhetoric over truth.1 Descartes by introducing radical scepticism to philosophy was challenging traditional scholastic philosophy which had dominated the philosophy for many centuries. While both pieces of writing are separated by different ages of time and space, they share many similarities as well as fundamental differences. This essay will attempt to compare and contrast these two bodies of work by firstly explaining what is Descartes’ systematic doubt and Plato’s Allegory of the cave before finally examining the similarities and differences between them in the final paragraph of analysis. Descartes in his first meditation introduces the concept of Radical doubt which similarly places suspicion on the senses and the appearance of things. This involves stripping away all one’s beliefs and preconceived notions in order to find the foundational bedrock of knowledge in which all sciences could then grow. Descartes begins his first meditation by casting doubt on all his beliefs, if a belief can be even slightly doubted it must be discarded. He wants to ‘reject as absolutely false anything in which I could imagine the least amount of doubt3’ this is called radical scepticism where all beliefs must be challenged. Through this experiment Descartes conceded that the physical senses are not to be trusted as they have deceived him before, this is known as sensory deception and this revelation forces him to doubt any beliefs about the external world and knowledge that is gathered by the five senses. His examination also reveals that dreams states can be difficult to  distinguish between waking life, this has happened before where he thought he was in bed but wasn’t. Henceforth one cannot truly know if they are awake observing reality or asleep enjoying a dream, this is known as the dream hypothesis. Descartes also uncovers the evil demon hypothesis whereby all external reality observed may be just an illusion that is perpetrated by an evil demon seeking to deceive him, also there is the problem that all previous memories about oneself could simply just be imagination and not grounded in any reality. The system of radical doubt leads Descartes into murky territory where he cannot believe in the existence of anything at all. This thankfully is changed when he discovers the cogito’ I think therefore I am’, his starting point which saves him from uncertainty, allowing him to prove that he exists. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, there are prisoners who are locked up within the depths of a cave. All day long, they are situated in front of a wall and behind them is a fire which reflects shadows on the wall. Unbeknownst to the prisoners, there are puppeteers who use the firelight to reflect shadows of their puppets upon the wall while making noises ‘the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows’. The prisoners are unaware of this illusion and mistakenly believe these shadows are real images. One day, a prisoner is released from his chains and allowed to walk freely about the cave. Although it is confusing for him to see the puppets and fire, he is forced to accept this clearer version of reality and eventually ascents through the cave, spending a day and night under the sun and the stars. As he becomes familiar with the world above, he realises the sun is the giver of light, how it casts shadows and how his prior life in the cave was an entire illusion. This newfound enlightenment Plato remarks will prevent him from ever returning to the life in cave, nor will his old inmates believe him if he tried to free him, instead ‘they would put him to death5’ This intellectual awakening will cause the inmate to grasp the idea of good, the eternal form which will urge him to act ‘rationally in public or private life6’. Ultimately Plato suggests the inmate should return to his old friends and seek to help them. The cave analogy is concerned with the human condition and its’ lack of enlightenment, for Plato the prisoners represent ordinary citizens who hold false beliefs (shadows), reality is dictated to them by their senses (appearance of things) allowing them to be easily manipulated. Ignorance is then symbolised by darkness and the  intellect and reason is symbolised by the light. The journey of the inmate from darkness to light is a metaphor for education which allows one to progress from the ignorance in the depths of the cave to the intellectual plains of the enlightened one in the outside world. The outer world symbolises true knowledge, the realisation of eternal forms while the cave again illustrates the world of appearance and false beliefs, Woozley writes ‘most men without knowing it live in this shadow world’9 The cave analogy and Descartes systematic doubt have much in common. Both are concerned with the illusory nature of the senses and external reality, for Plato people place too much emphasis on the senses, on the appearance of things as illustrated in by the shadows on the wall, this leads them to hold false beliefs and to be easily misled, only by entering the realm of thought can people free themselves by gaining knowledge and becoming enlightened. Descartes through the systematic doubt also maintains that external reality cannot be truly known; the sensory deception and evil demon hypothesis cast doubt on the authenticity of the outside world. Indeed the evil demon hypothesis is an almost identical scenario to that of the prisoners whose sensory per ception is distorted by the shadow wielding puppeteers. Only through the mind or intellect can an individual overcome the illusory nature of the senses, it allows the prisoner to access the outside world to gain enlightenment and help his fellow inmates while for Descartes the mind by way of the cogito is the one thing that cannot be doubted which through it allows him prove the existence of the outside world in his later meditations. The cave is an analogy which illustrates how people can possess false consciousness and how through reason and knowledge one can overcome this while systematic doubt is an instruction on how to discard false beliefs, the ascent through the cave into the intellectual world is the finishing point for Plato while the cogito for Descartes is a starting point for further investigation. The two authors also differ on the type of philosophy employed in their argument. Plato insists that after the ascent , the prisoner will experience the idea of the good ‘ the lord of light in the visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual’10 the good then is the highest point of knowledge and represents Plato’s philosophy of perfect types or forms known as idealism, Descartes through highlighting the sensory, dream and demon hypothesis  illustrates how the external world cannot be relied upon as a basis for true knowledge, but the cogito is a start ing point, the attempt to find secure beliefs that allow a foundation for further knowledge to be rested upon is known as Foundationalism which is credited to Descartes. In conclusion, both Descartes and Plato in their attempts to challenge the prevailing doctrine of their respective times introduced two of the most influential concepts in the world of Philosophy. Descartes through his examination of systematic doubt uncovers the limitations of the physical senses in acquiring knowledge and introduces further challenges to understanding external reality with the dream, memory and evil demon hypothesis. Only through the mind alone can one grasp the nature of reality starting with the cogito. Likewise Plato is concerned with the appearance of things, how the senses can deceive us and humanity like the inmates in the cave can live in a state of ignorance or darkness if they don’t use the power of the mind to acquire knowledge and reason. Only through using the intellect can humanity gather true knowledge and escape the darkness in the cave. For both the intellect is the only means for gathering true knowledge, the senses are illusory. Descartes s ystematic doubt and cogito provide the foundational starting point for the sciences while the cave allegory offers advocates a way of life for humanity to feign the world of ignorance and seek true knowledge so that those who acquire it will return to the cave and help their fellow man. Works Cited: Annas, Julias. An Introduction to Plato’s’ Republic. New York: Oxford University Press Cottingham, John. Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013 Cottingham, John. Ed. Ray Monk. Descartes’ Philosophy of Mind. London: Phoenix Publishers, 1997 Plato. The Allegory of the cave. Week 5 Handout Woozley, Anthony. Plato’s Republic: A philosophical commentary. London: MacMillan Publishers, 1989

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Equality and Diversity Essay

I am writing a reflective account on how my personal beliefs and experience’s influenced my professional interaction with various groups and individuals. For example my first job in the care industry was working at a nursing home for residents with all forms of Alzheimer’s. I had never done this type of work before, so my first day for me was both a new experience and environment. I had never dealt with people who have a communication barrier, where they could not express their emotions. see more:champion equality diversity and inclusion Before having worked in the care home, and not having any knowledge on Alzheimer’s, I would have categorised them all in the same box, i. . all being the same as opposed to possibly having different stages and levels of Alzheimer’s. I also found it hard to grasp and understand how you could forget the basic aspects of what we do in everyday life i. e. eating, drinking and remembering your own name. I therefor found it hard to communicate and engage with them, as I did not understand their condition. Prior to working with Alzheimer’s patients I had never come across somebody who, not only had Alzheimer’s, but in addition was hard of hearing and/or partially sighted. I found this difficult at first because I didn’t know how to interact with them. I overcame this by learning to understand each one of their characteristics, by the way they spoke, mannerisms, their body language and by getting to know them as an individual. I learnt how I could interact with them on a one to one level and ascertain their needs and requirements. Alzheimer’s patients need a certain level of care, therefore I undertook training that was offered by my place of employment. This included a person first and dementia second course which explained how the resident should always come before the dementia and how their best interests should always be taken into account as a first priority. In addition I undertook a course on palliative care. This taught me how to care for somebody who was in their finally stages of dementia ,in terms of assisting them, improving their quality of life and by providing increased comfort by promoting their dignity towards the end of their life. I also took a course in movement and handling where I learnt how to manoeuvre my residents in a safe manner by either using sliding sheets or hoisting equipment, these techniques helped me to assist them with as little discomfort as possible. Some of our residents are unable o communicate with us and are unable to express feelings of discomfort or pain, so this course was beneficial to me because it provided a safe way for me to move my residents with ease. If i was to continue exclusively in this line of nursing, I could do NVQ courses in health and social care with my place or of work, and attend courses they provide for me. If I wanted to further my career I could potentially go onto university and train to be a mental health nurse. This will enable me to be more aware of how this disease can start and what’s involved in the long term. Following Gibbs framework on reflection (1998) stage 5; I conclude from this experience that I have gained more patience with others by understanding their different needs. I have learnt how to communicate on different levels, with residents, family members, colleagues and senior professionals i. e. doctors and nurses which I struggled with initially. I have become more compassionate as a result of dealing with the end of life process, so my personal beliefs or thought process will not influence my professional interaction with dementia patience because I have gained a better understanding of their condition.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business Idea - Essay Example The umbrellas can be delivered at a client’s convenience upon request. The clients will be provided with our business cards so that they may refer their friends to our services and also ensure that they make request of our services. The average cost of an umbrella in UK is 20 pounds. We plan to allocate 300 pounds to purchase approximately 15 umbrellas for the start of the business. The remaining 200 pounds will be used to cater for the product of business cards and process the operational license of the business. The The unique selling point of this business is based on the fact that the umbrellas can be delivered upon request by the client. Therefore, a client does not have to under any challenge in case the rain begins falling and they do not have an umbrella. Additionally, the prices will also be relatively available. We expect to sell the umbrella at an affordable price that will favor our clients and the continuity of our business. Owing to the fact that the region experiences frequent rainfall, this business idea is strategic, targeting clients that may be faced by mobility challenges due to frequent rain. The umbrellas are also good quality; our clients will be assured of durability of their umbrellas: We intend to research and determine the most affordable and high quality umbrellas that we will take at wholesale prices to ensure that we reduce operational costs. The business targets International students in the college, specifically Russian and Chinese students, who are still not aware of the rainfall pattern of the area. In addition, it also targets local students and lecturers, who may be in need of umbrellas to improve their mobility during the rains. On the other hand, the business targets support staff within the college and other people such as visiting parents and others. These targets are believed to be lucrative for this business owing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Christians' Role in the Community Research Paper

Christians' Role in the Community - Research Paper Example The sharing of a personal testimony builds a spiritual bond between the sharer and the recipient of the testimony of Christ. This witness creates a special relationship that is built on the foundation of spiritual witnessing by the Spirit of God. The true testimony of a believer and the recipient of the testimony feel the promptings and workings of the Spirit because the message is true. In this way, personal testimonies build a web, or community of believers based on the personal testimonies of believers. This community of believers is largely held together by the workings of the Spirit in their hearts. Personal testimonies are the best way to show that you have gained knowledge, through the Spirit, of Jesus Christ. The sharing of testimony has the unique ability to shape and influence the testimony of others. Personal testimony can be more powerful that critical study of scripture and more formal preaching because of the intimate nature of personal knowledge gained through the Spir it of God. Personal testimonies are shared in intimate and informal settings; they have the ability to mold the character of a community one person at a time. Personal testimonies meld together into a sort of communal testimony that enlightens, inspires and guides the entire community. The hallmark of a Christian is the living of a Christian life. This is a statement that has been disputed by many over the years. The real test of Christians is whether the light of Christ is seen in their countenances and in the deed of their everyday life. A misunderstanding of doctrine leads some Christians to believe that once they are saved, then all is done. This runs counter to many of the teachings of Christ and the apostles. We are told to be more than hearer’s of the word. We must always be doers. Many Christians for fear that one will think they can work their way into heaven downplay this thought. It is clear that this is not possible. Christ is the only source of salvation, and his salvation is enough for all to partake. But this salvation does not remove the responsibility for Christians to live a godly life, emulating the Savior himself. The necessity for a Christ centered life full of His goodness is manifest several ways. One reason we must live a godly life is to set a good example for those around us that are not believers. If Christians are to have influence in the community at large, then they must live the teachings of Him we call Savior. If a person that has not known the goodness of Christ sees a person that claims Salvation acting in a manner that is untoward or reprehensible, then the investigator of the Gospel will see nothing more than hypocrisy on the part of the believer. We all know that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but there are certain standards of conduct that are expected of all in a community. When a supposed believer acts against the good will of the community and excuses their conduct by claiming salvation, th en a very poor example of Christianity has been set and the Christian will be held accountable for this at the last day. Surely their salvation is intact, but their folly will not be overlooked at the judgment bar. Another reason the Christian needs to live a Christ centered life is because Jesus instructed us to do this. He understood more than anyone the soul-destroying influences the world would have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A study was conducted and an introduction (lit review) section needs Research Paper

A study was conducted and an introduction (lit review) section needs to be done - Research Paper Example f-concept also gives people an opportunity to compare their personal attributes, abilities, and reactions to those of others (Harter & Bukowski, 2012). On the other hand, self-esteem refers to the respect that a person has for himself or herself. Self-esteem is an extremely vital concept since it affects functional behavior, motivation, as well as life satisfaction (Bordens & Horowitz, 2002). Individuals who have high self-concept about themselves normally have positive thoughts. In this regard, they have high self-esteem of themselves. Having high self-esteem is a critical component in one’s life since it gives one confidence about his or her self-worth. In this regard, an individual can compare himself to be attractive. Being attractive entails several components, and personal hygiene is one of the components (Harter & Bukowski, 2012). Therefore, one must assess his or her personal hygiene in the wake of evaluating

Why I deserve an A Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why I deserve an A - Assignment Example I am also allowed to borrow some materials for further reading at home, which I do without fail. Moreover, I am well motivated with my studies and I take them seriously. I am a firm believer that only hard work leads to success and I never let any chance to widen my knowledge capacity pass without utilizing it. I am always attentive in class and pay attention to the lectures so that I can grasp every detail mentioned. I have never been too shy or afraid to consult my classmates incase am facing difficulties with certain topics. I partnered with some friends to form a study group that is very helpful. During some weekends and holidays, we meet as a group and crack all hard topics. This is useful because the team effort helps to reduce the burden of an individual mind. The brainstorming helps us to come up with great ideas which are applicable to our classwork. I deserve an A because of the effort and time I have put on my studies. I am a hardworking student who gives his classwork priority over other stuffs. I have dedicated much of my time to my studies and I constantly consult both my lecturer and books when an issue is not that clear. Moreover, I am always careful with my work and take extra steps to ensure it is of high quality. That is why I deserve to get an

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyse and discuss concepts of European identity Essay

Analyse and discuss concepts of European identity - Essay Example Considering as a dependent variable, identity is repeatedly used to study the creation of racial or territorial identities. It is argued that Central Europeans formed a separate identity that was mainly defined in opposition to Russia and likeness to Western Europe. As an independent variable the study of identity uses to explain some facts of greater concern, for instance the nature of political rivalry. After the World War II those who wished of a united Europe were searching ways to uphold a strong sense of European identity. Even though, thoughts on a European identity conceptualized ten years earlier to the World War II the political, social, and economic disorders linked with World War II, basically changed the European order. Hence it became necessary to assume of Europe in different ways. The formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, and the European Economic Community (EEC), were the outcome of those views (Williams, 1987). As the hurdles to trade within the EEC began to drop in 1960s, that resulted in the start of discussion of a sprouting United States of Europe. This was not only just a formal economic entity but it was presumed as a possible hub of identity for its inhabitants. The discussion over the nature and significance of European identity goes deep into many of the critical matters facing Europe today (Deflem and Pampel,1996; Delanty, 1995; Hodgson, 1993). Making the debate difficult are the suppositions that are made about the very nature of identity itself. These assumptions are the creation of political-territorial growth over the past centuries that have cast the state in the role of architect and symbol of international society (Murphy, 1996; Taylor, 1994). Hence, the concepts of nation and state became conflated and national identities to be considered as if they were the major matter of investigation in learning’s of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The report should contain an evaluation of the most popular resources Assignment

The report should contain an evaluation of the most popular resources weighing the positives and negatives (critically analyse) - Assignment Example In this regard, the literature suggests that there are various options available for small businesses. Sources of Finance Available to Small Businesses The most important concern of an investor or a small business owner, like Thunder Egg, is the sources from where finance can be raised to satiate financing needs of the business. Among various options available for small business entrepreneurs, crowd funding, business angels, bank loans, government initiatives and private investments are considered as amongst the most preferred ones by them. Whether the business is small, medium or a large multinational corporation, the need for securing sufficient finances holds significant importance for the entrepreneur, which in turn determines the success of planned strategies and business plan (Rodriguez, 2003; Moles et al., 2011; Baker & Martin, 2011). The common sources of finance identified earlier have been discussed as follows: Crowd Funding It is often witnessed that small and medium enter prises rely on unconventional means of obtaining finance in most of the times. The conventional means can be considered as venture capital and/or obtaining loans from financial institutions (Lambert & Schwienbacher, 2010; Abdulsaleh & Worthington, 201

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women in the workforce in the 1970's in comparison to today Research Paper

Women in the workforce in the 1970's in comparison to today - Research Paper Example These definitions and stereotypes have led to expected gender roles in society, most which have developed because of superficial relationships to gender. However, this issue is one which doesn’t realistically construct the identity of individuals. When looking at â€Å"Who’s in Charge Here’ with the Mary Tyler Moore show, it can be seen that gender identity is one which is based on the gender stereotypes and definitions created in society. The result is a construction of both gender and boundaries based on stereotypes, as opposed to realistic expectations. The issue of gender roles in society is one which was first seen with the 1970s show and continues to be a part of society today. Gender Roles from Moore The episode which shows the gender differences in the Mary Tyler Moore show is â€Å"Who’s in Charge Here.† The differences in gender are noted specifically with the news room that Mary is working in. The gender expectations are first divided by those who hold the power within the news room, including the new News Producer, Lou and the News Director, Murray. Within this episode, the gender roles are divided first by the divisions in which the males have more power and Mary remains in the same situation. However, it is quickly found that Mary is only holding to this role because of gender. The power positions which both men have cause Mary to not only complete her work, but also to do the work of Murray and Lou because they don’t understand the situation. By the end of the episode, it is recognized that the positions need to be reconsidered based on qualifications, as opposed to the gender expectations from the news room (Sandrich, 1972). Stereotypes of Gender The episode demonstrated by the Mary Tyler Moore Show is one which constructs identity based on gender and gives the divisions and roles based on this stereotype. This particular concept is one which hasn’t changed today and continues to be a component i n which men and women are divided. The gender differences come first from the idea of competition in which each individual divides according to the individuals who are considered the most powerful in society and create a competitive attitude toward what is occurring. These gender differences are further divided by the power which one holds in relation to the stereotypes and the competitive spirit which is supposed to be a part of the gender. This construction of stereotypes is one which is defined specifically by the patriarchal shaping of society. It has been found that the matriarchal society has the same concept of competition among women because of the environment which is created for survival. The stereotype of gender is one which becomes constructed specifically because of the social order which is in a given culture (Gneezy, Leonard, List, 1637). The stereotypes which have been created within culture are furthered by the expected places in which women and men should have. The concept of work, within the traditional role for women, is one which most were not considered as capable of doing. The main role of women in the patriarchal society was based on the stereotype of staying in the home and caring for the family while men worked in a given office. This created a position with both in society, specifically with the stereotypes and expected gender role that was in society. Family obligations is found to become secondary for men while women often have to adapt to the concept of work structures that require shifts in how one works. This particular stereotype is one which is acted among the majority of individuals in society and is referred to as gender – typing, which one debates about specific roles because of gender (Gustafson, 513). The episode with Moore shows this, specifically as Mary has difficulty deciding

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Resident Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Resident Evil - Essay Example Marc O’Day supports the idea of Resident evil being centered on an action figure female character. From his own perspective, he views this as a change to post feminism. In the past, many films used to have male action figures and ignored the role of females in the society. Resident Evil together with other female centered films tried to bring the issue of women taking leading rules in the society and becoming more independent an extent of running their own affairs (Joanne & Peter 23). This film tries to depict Alice as a sexy woman yet a fearless woman who can face any challenge just to ensure she met her target: destroying Umbrella Corporation. Alice is given a masculine side in the film as she is able to fight zombies, use guns, and fight like a man, but still retains her female identity by being sexy and highly attractive to her audience. Marc O’Day supports the fact that this films are trying to depict the issue of gender equality as more women are taking leading ro les in the film industry (Joanne & Peter 27). Basically, in according to Marc O’Day, such a film is trying to raise critical issues which were usually ignored in the past century of women identity. Women are becoming more outgoing and taking leading roles in the world as gender equality continues to be practiced. Lisa Purse on the other hand supports the notion of the female representation in the film â€Å"Resident Evil† as also being in support of the feminist and postfeminist theories. First of all, she argues that more women are taking active role as key figures in movie supporting the notion of a society that has acceptable females as equal and having a role to play (Joanne & Peter 32). The film through its action figure, Alice, displays the female character as a strong, yet sexy woman. In her role, Alice, manages to play a masculine role through her violent action of killing, fighting

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tax evasion case Essay Example for Free

Tax evasion case Essay Introduction Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations and trusts. Tax evasion often entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions. Tax evasion is an activity commonly associated with the informal economy. One measure of the extent of tax evasion (the tax gap) is the amount of unreported income, which is the difference between the amount of income that should be reported to the tax authorities and the actual amount reported. There is a difference between tax minimization/avoidance and tax evasion. All citizens have the right to reduce the amount of taxes they pay as long as it is by legal means. In contrast, tax avoidance is the legal use of tax laws to reduce ones tax burden. Both tax evasion and avoidance can be viewed as forms of tax noncompliance, as they describe a range of activities that intend to subvert a states tax system, although such classification of tax avoidance is not indisputable, given that avoidance is lawful, within self-creating systems. Tax evasion in India Tax evasion has always been a criminal offence in India. There are a number of provisions relating to prosecution under Chapter XXII of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Failure to file timely return of income, false statement and verification, willful attempt to evade tax, fabrication of accounts and documents and failure to deposit tax deducted or collected at source attract minimum rigorous imprisonment of three/ six months. Removal, concealment, transfer or delivery of property to thwart tax recovery or failure to afford necessary facilities for the officers during search operations are some more offences liable for rigid sentences. Abetment of false return, where it is  proved, would land not only the accused in trouble but those who help him, including those rendering professional assistance, providing for a rigorous imprisonment for a minimum period of three/ six months and a fine. Where the offence is rendered by a firm or company partners and the officers, including directors of t he company, may be responsible, unless they are able to prove that the offence was committed without their knowledge in spite of due diligence on their part. For the offence of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), the karta himself, besides all members, is deemed to be guilty, unless such members are able to prove that the offence was committed without their consent or connivance. Enforcement of law is also made easier for prosecution by statutory presumptions of culpable mental state placing the responsibility of proving innocence on the accused. Probation of Offenders Act, 1958, is not applicable for economic offences under the income-tax law, except for persons below 18 years of age. The law in India treats tax offences not only as a criminal offence but also has strengthened the same by statutory presumptions and minimum rigorous imprisonment subject to a maximum period of seven years. There are number of prosecutions launched year after year. It is difficult to accept that tax administration in India is â€Å"notoriously† slack and that there is a lot of political interference. More often the Department is known for its overzealousness, while the tax officers are comparatively independent protected by law. If they yield to political pressure, it cannot be solely the fault of the politicians. There are numerous instances, where the officers have not yielded to pressure from any quarters. If there is still significant tax evasion, it is as much a part of the system of limited scrutiny in vogue for the past several years and more probably because of all pervading corruption against which stiffer action is certainly necessary. As for comment relating to the proposed Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010, provisions relating to prosecutions under Chapter XV in the proposed Code do not lighten the severity of the provisions under the present Act. The word â€Å"concealment† is not used in the context of prosecution either under the present Act or the proposed legislation. But there are provisions to tackle defaults of every kind. As regards penalty, the Code provides for levy of penalty automatically, wherever there is a difference between reported and assessed income. The removal of the word â€Å"concealment† takes away the need for inference of  intent to keep back any information relating to assessment. The law in the Code makes no difference between the delibe rate delinquency and the innocent omission so that the Code, as in most other aspects, is more stringent on the taxpayer. India loses 14 trillion rupees ($314 billion) from tax evasion annually, depriving it of funds for investment in roads, ports, and power, says Arun Kumar, author of The Black Economy in India. General government tax revenue is an estimated 18 percent of India’s $1.5 trillion in gross domestic product, the lowest among the four BRIC nations, International Monetary Fund data show. With so little revenue coming in, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is now attempting India’s biggest overhaul of the tax code in half a century. Investors say tax reform would boost their confidence. â€Å"If the government does end up making a substantial amount in revenue as a result of the tax overhaul, their deficit requirements should come down and the interest burden will also come down,† says Killol Pandya, Mumbai-based head of fixed income investments at Daiwa Asset Management (India). About Anurag Kashyap Anurag Singh Kashyap (born 10 September 1972) is an Indian film director, producer and screenwriter. He famously is termed as an Art filmmaker who loves dark and real concepts. Kashyap made his directorial debut with as yet unreleased Paanch, with Kay Kay Menon as the lead. As a filmmaker, he is known for Black Friday (2004), a controversial and award-winning Hindi film about the 1993 Mumbai bombings, followed by No Smoking (2007), Dev D (2009), Gulaal (2009), That Girl in Yellow Boots(2011) and Gangs of Wasseypur (2012). As a screenwriter, he wrote the scripts for theFilmfare Award-winning Satya (1998) and the Academy Award-nominated Canadian filmWater (2005). He founded his film production company, Anurag Kashyap Films Pvt. Ltd. in 2009. In 1999, Kashyap won the Best Screenplay award for Satya at the Star Screen Awards. The next year, his short film Last Train to Mahakali won the Special Jury Award at the same awards. His feature film debut Black Friday won the Grand Jury Prize at the 3rd Annual Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (2005), and was a nominee for the Golden Leopard (Best Film) at the 57th Locarno International Film Festival (2004). In 2010, he announced his association with Tumbhi where he  and his team will make six short films for Tumbhi and start his blog with them, as well. He was listed on the The DNA power list: Top 50 influentials, a list of 50 most influential Indians in 2011. Soon, he will be awarded with a cultural achievement award in the Cannes Film Festival. Kashyap currently serves on the board of Mumbai-based NGO, Aangan Trust, which helps protect vulnerable children around India. He is one of the most influential and important directors in India. Gangs of Wasseypur are a huge commercial and critical hit. Legendary Hollywood film-maker Martin Scorsese wrote to Kashyap, saying how much he loved Gangs†¦and Dev D. The two will be spending 15 days together at the end of the year. Kashyaps first big-budget film, Bombay Velvet, being co-produced by Fox Studios, went on the floors this month. Hes getting to direct Amitabh Bachchan, whose movies of the 70s greatly influenced him, for a fiction TV show. Megastars such as Shah Rukh Khan are keen to work with him. An Amitabh and a Ranbir working with me means they are coming midway, they want to do something different and dont want to be slaves of their image. That says a lot. We both are meeting midway. A Ranbir is as good or an even better actor than a lot of those on the fringes, says Kashyap. Case description Anurag Kashyap is in a light spot. The filmmaker has been held by the Service Tax department officials who have been keeping an eagle eye on B-town celebs for defaulting on taxes. From what we hear, the ST officials carried out an extensive investigation at Kashyap’s Yari road office in Mumbai a couple of weeks back and later charged him guilty for service tax evasion of Rs 55 lakh. Based on this, the director-producer was asked to appear before the Service Tax Department on August 22, but he failed to do so and sent his representatives to deal with the matter. Hence, Anurag’s accounts got sealed and he has now requested the department to grant him time until September 3. A team of officers from the Service Tax Department visited Anurag Kashyap’s office at Yari Road on 26 August between 2 pm to 10:30 pm and found him â€Å"guilty of Service Tax evasion to the tune of Rs 55 lakhs.† Anurag Kashyap was then summoned to appear before the Service Tax Commission on 27 August. But as he was still in Sri Lanka, he sent a representative. On the following day, his bank accounts were frozen, and now the ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’. Sameer Wankhede, Deputy Commissioner of the Service Tax Department confirmed that a case had been booked against Anurag Kashyap. A Service Tax official said, â€Å"Section 89 of the Finance Act says that if you have not paid your service tax to the tune of Rs 50 lakh for a period of six months, the defaulter can face imprisonment for a period of seven years and it is a non bail able offence. As of now, we have detected that Anurag has defaulted on over Rs 50 lakh. First it was the films budget that shot up by Rs 23 crore, thanks to the sinking INR and now the director has landed in legal tangles with the Service Tax Department. Anurag kashyap also has been accused of not filling taxes from the business he runs side by side. He is involved in the fashion industry and manufactures designer clothes for celebrities. This company is run under his ownership and is looked after by his wife. He has had a huge profit of approximately 2 crores in the year 2012 and he has not turned up to pay the taxes for it. It has also been reported that he had not paid wealth tax which amounts to 30cr. including the ornaments that he owns. According to the income tax authorities he is liable to pay a tax of 30 lakhs. Questions 1) Discuss the whole case in detail. 2) Evaluate the total tax that he is liable to pay according to the tax department authorities 3) Discuss the payment methods of these taxes in India. 4) How can the dispute be settled? 5) What is the future of these taxes in India? Ans 1) Analysis of the case The above described case is of the famous bollywood film-maker Anurag Kashyap. According to this case he failed to submit a service tax which amounted to Rs. 55 lakhs. After he gained a hug profit of 23 crore at the box office from his film Gangs of Wasseypur, he was supposed to submit this amount as service tax which he failed to do, and thus he had a raid by the  income tax officials in his office. He was found guilty and his accounts were immediately ceased. The second tax that he failed to pay is the income that he is earning from the house in the name of his daughter. Under this head, tax amounts to rs. 000. This income is taxed under the income from other sources. The second tax evasion that the income tax authority finds him guilty of is the income from his designer clothes manufacturing company which was supposed to earn a profit of 19000000. He has tried not to show this income as a part og his total taxable income. The income tax authority says that the total tax due under this head should be around 55lakhs Anurag Kashyap has been found guilty of not paying tax under three heads i.e. service tax, earnings from other sources, and wealth tax. Ans 2) Calculation of the total tax Service tax; Total earnings in the year 2012-13 from the box office Rs.23,00,00,000 Taxable income after the net deductions Rs. 4,45,00,000 Service tax (@12.36% (10+2+1) = 55,00,000 wealth tax: total taxable wealth Rs.3,00,00,000 rate of wealth tax (1% over 30lakhs) Rs.27,00,000 tax from business and proffession: profit a/c to profit and loss account Rs. 1,90,00,000 income tax payable Rs. 55,30,000 Education Cess @ 2% Rs.110600 Secondary and Higher Education Cess @ 1% Rs. 55300 Total (Rs. 55lakhs+27lakhs+ 5695900) = Rs.1,38,95,900 Ans3) Pament of service tax in india Service tax is envisaged as the tax of the future. Well synchronized taxation on manufacturing, trade (domestic international) and service without giving rise to cascading effect of taxation would be an ideal worth pursuing in the immediate future. This would bring in VAT in its truest sense, though the ultimate objection ushers in the regime of Goods and Service Tax (GST). Continued growth in GDP accompanied by higher rate of growth in service sector promises new wider avenues of taxation to the Government. If the tax on services reduces the degree of intensity of taxation on manufacturing and trade without forcing the Government to compromise on the revenue needs, then one of the basic objectives of taxing the service sector would be achieved. Voluntary tax compliance on the part of taxpayers demands prudent accounting practices and transparency in the conduct of their business. Marginal rates of taxation would be conducive in this process. Many new services may be brought under the tax net in future. The inclusion of all value added services in the tax net would yield larger amount of revenue and make the existing tax structure more elastic. Advanced economies of Western Europe, North America and Far East have share of service sector in their GDP ranging from 60% to 80%. The growth in absolute quantum of GDP and proportion of Service-sector in GDP holds promise for larger revenue generation without increasing the existing level of taxation The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a Value Added Tax (VAT) to be implemented in India, the decision on which is pending. It will replace all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the Indian Central and State governments. It is aimed at being comprehensive for most goods and services. India is a federal republic, and the GST will thus be implemented concurrently by the central and state governments as the Central GST and the State GST respectively. Exports will be zero-rated and imports will be levied the same taxes as domestic goods and services adhering to the destination principle. The service tax rate in india is 12% which is calculated on the net taxable income. It also includes an education cess of 2% and a senior higher secondary cess of 1%. Thus a consolidated percentage of 12.36% is calculated on the taxable amount. According to the case the director was liable to pay a roundabout sum of Rs.55 lakh on a profit of 23crore which he earned last year. Payment of wealth tax in India The Wealth Tax Act 1957 is governed by the Income Tax department that falls under the Department of Revenue. Just like Income Tax, Wealth Tax forms a part of annual assessment. It is a type of direct tax that is levied on individuals that fall under its purview. This is a tax that is charged on the net wealth of those who fall under its purview. The benefits that you derive from ownership of property are taxed under this head. Other assets that come under the purview of wealth tax are motor car, aircrafts, and yachts, cash in hand, jewellery etc. You are required to pay wealth tax on yearly basis on the market value of your property irrespective of the fact that it generates any income for you or not. Wealth Tax is Applicable To: Individuals, Companies, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) The Wealth Tax as of now is 1 percent on the net taxable wealth of the assessee that exceeds the limit of Rs 30 Lacs. Assets that are charged under Wealth Tax in India House Property (Guest House, residential house or commercial) Urban Land Boats, Aircrafts and Yachts Motor Car Cash in Hand (subject to certain limits) only for HUFs and Individuals Jewellery, Gold Utensils, Silver, Bullions etc All assets that are transferred by individuals to their minor children and to spouse for considerations that are inadequate also fall under the purview of wealth tax. Payment of income from business and profession For charging the income under the head Profits and Gains of business, the following conditions should be satisfied: There should be a business or profession. The business or profession should be carried on by the assessee. The business or profession should have been carried on by the assessee at any time during the previous year. Income that will be chargeable to income tax under the head Profits and gains of business or profession’ The following income would be chargeable under the head Profits and gains of business or profession: The profits and gains of any business or profession, which was carried on by the assessee at any time during the previous year; Any compensation or other payment, due or received by the following:- Any person, by whatever name called, managing the whole or substantially the whole of the affairs of an Indian company, at or in connection with the termination of his management or the modification of the terms and conditions relating thereto; Any person, by whatever name called, managing the whole or substantially the whole of the affairs in India of any other company, at or in connection with the termination of his office or the modification of the terms and conditions relating thereto; Any person, by whatever name called, holding an agency in India for any part of the activities relating to the business of any other person, at or in connection with the termination of any agency or the m odification of the terms and conditions relating thereto; Any person, for or in connection with the vesting in the Government, or in any corporation owned or controlled by the Government, under any law for the time being in force, of the management of any property or business; Income, derived by a trade, professional or similar association from specific services performed for its members; Profits on sale of a license granted under the Imports (Control) Order, 1955, made under the Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1947; Cash assistance (by whatever name called), received or receivable by any person against exports under any scheme of the Government of India; Any duty of customs or excise repaid or repayable as drawback to any person against exports under the Customs and Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1971; The value of any benefit or perquisite, whether convertible into money or not, arising from business or the exercise of a profession; Any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, by whatever name called, due to, or rece ived by, a partner of a firm from such firm. However, it is provided that where any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, by whatever name called, or any part thereof has not been allowed to be  deducted under Clause (b) of section 40, the income under this clause shall be adjusted to the extent of the amount not so allowed to be deducted. Deductions that are allowed in computing income from profits and gains of business or profession A number of other deductions under Section 36 of the Income-Tax Act are allowed while computing income from profits and gains of business or profession: S36 (i): The amount of any premium, paid in respect of insurance against risk of damage or destruction of stocks or stores, used for the purposes of the business or profession; (ia) The amount of any premium, paid by a federal milk co-operative society to effect or to keep in force an insurance on the life of the cattle owned by a member of a co-operative society, being a primary society engaged in supplying milk, raised by the members of such federal milk co-operative society; (ib) The amount of any premium, paid by cheque by the assessee as an employer to effect or to keep in force an insurance on the health of his employees under a scheme, framed in this behalf by the General Insurance Corporation of India, formed under section 9 of the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 (57 of 1972) and approved by the Central Government; (ii) Any sum, paid to an employee as bonus or commission for services rendered, where such sum would not have been payable to him as profits or dividend if it had not been paid as bonus or commission; (iii) The amount of the interest paid in respect of capital borrowed for acquisition of the asset from the date it is put to use for the purposes of the business or profession; (iv) Any sum, paid by the assessee as an employer by way of contribution towards a recognized provident fund or an approved Superannuation fund, subject to such limits as may be prescribed for the purpose of recognizing the provident fund or approving the Superannuation fund, as the case may be; and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit to specify in cases where the contributions are not in the nature of annual contributions of fixed amounts or annual contributions, fixed on some definite basis by reference to the income chargeable under the head Salaries or to the contributions or to the number of members of the fund; (v) Any sum, paid by the assessee as an employer by way of contribution towards an approved gratuity fund created by  him for the exclusive benefit of his employees under an irrevocable trust; (va) Any sum, received by the assessee from any of his employees to which the provisions of sub-clause (x) of clause (24) of section 2 apply, if such sum is credited by the assessee to the employees account in the relevant fund or funds on or before the due date. (vi) In respect of animals which have been used for the purposes of the business or profession, otherwise than as stock-in-trade and have died or become permanently useless for such purposes, the difference between the actual cost to the assessee of the animals and the amount, if any, realized in respect of the carcasses or animals; (vii) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the amount of any bad debt or part thereof which is written off as irrecoverable in the accounts of the assessee for the previous year; (viia) in respect of any provision for bad and doubtful debts made by the following: A scheduled bank or non scheduled bank, an amount not exceeding five per cent of the total income and an amount not exceeding ten per cent of the aggregate average advance made by the rural branches of such bank computed in the prescribed manner; A bank, being a bank incorporated by or under the laws of a country outside India, an amount not exceeding five per cent of the total income; public financial institution or a State financial corporation or a State industrial investment corporation, an amount not exceeding five per cent of the total income. (viii) In respect of any special reserve created by a financial corporation which is engaged in providing long term finance for industrial or agricultural development in India or, by a public company formed and registered in India with the main object of carrying on the business or providing long term finance for construction or purchase of houses in India for residential purposes, an amount not exceeding forty per cent of the total income can be carried to the reserve account; (ix) Any bona fide expenditure incurred by a company for the purpose of promoting family planning amongst its employees; (x) Any sum, paid by a public financial institution by way of contribution towards any Exchange Risk Administration Fund, set up by public financial institutions, either jointly or separately. (xi) Any expenditure, incurred by the assessee on or after the 1st day of April 1999 but before the 1st day of April 2000, wholly and exclusively in respect of a non-Y2K compliant computer system, owned by the assessee and used for the purposes of his business or profession, so as to  make such computer system Y2K compliant. (xii) Any expenditure (not being in the nature of capital expenditure) incurred by a corporation or a body corporate, by whatever name called, constituted or established by a Central, State or Provincial Act for the objects and purposes authorized by the Act, under which such corporation or body corporate was constituted or established. It is important to note that deductions are subject to certain conditions being satisfied. Deductions allowed in respect of rent, rates, taxes, repairs and insurance for premises, which are used for the purpose of business or profession? S 30: The deductions that are allowed while computing income from profits and gains from business or profession in respect of rent, rates, taxes, repairs and insurance for premises, which are used for the purpose of business or profession while computing income from profits and gains from business or profession are as follows: Where the premises are occupied by the assessee: 1. As a tenant, the rent paid for such premises; and further if he has undertaken to bear the cost of repairs to the premises, the amount paid on account of such repairs; excluding expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure. 2. Otherwise than as a tenant, the amount paid by him on account of current repairs to the premises; excluding expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure. Any sums, paid on account of land revenue, local rates or municipal taxes; The amount of any premium, paid in respect of insurance against risk of damage or destruction of the premises. Deductions to be allowed in respect of repairs and insurance of machinery, plant and furniture. The following deductions shall be allowed in respect of repairs and insurance of machinery, plant and furniture: The amount paid on account of current repairs thereto; excluding expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure. The amount of any premium, paid in respect of insurance against damage or destruction thereof. Ans 4) Settlement of disputes Settlement of disputes could be done through Norms of industrial disputes act 1947 Work committee Voluntary arbitration Court of enquiry Ans 5) Future of service tax in India Service tax in India was introduced in 1994-95 to correct the asymmetric treatment of goods and services in the tax framework and to widen the tax net. Need to introduce service tax was felt due to the fact that service sector contributed to around half of GDP but it wasn’t taxed. The numbers of services liable for taxation were gradually raised from 3 in 1994-95 to virtually all service in budget 2012-13 except for the services enlisted in the negative list. The negative list includes the services by Government or a local authority, services by the Reserve Bank of India, Services by a foreign diplomatic mission located in India, services relating to agriculture, Service of transportation of passengers, Funeral, burial, crematorium or mortuary services etc. In the last eight odd years, after a modest beginning, service tax had become one of the most important sources of government revenue. Budget 2012-13 increased the service tax rate from 10 percent to 12 percent. Already, a cess is imposed on all indirect taxes including service tax to finance secondary and higher education. In 2011-12, Rs 95,000 crores are expected to mop up through service tax and for 2012-13, target is to collect as much as Rs.1.24 Lakh crores. The increase in service tax is opposed by different section of the business community. At present, service sector contributes more than 55 percent of GDP and its share is likely to increase in future as it is poised to grow between 8-10 percent in next decade along with the reduced share of primary sector. This offers tremendous revenue potential to the Government. It is expected that in due course, service tax would reduce the tax burden on international trade (Customs duty) and domestic manufacturing sector (Excise duty). So a planned growth of service tax would be commensurate with the goals of economic  liberalization and globalization. This process requires levy of taxes on new services without substantial rise in the rate or cost of collection. The service tax promises many opportunities as well as challenges to realize the opportunities. For instance, increased revenue through service tax will help in bridging the fiscal deficit, finance the social services, reduce the burden on commodity taxes etc. The challenges include providing more simplified tax administration in the country which will reduce the tax evasion. Further, department should intensify the field survey operations to ensure that all taxable service assessees are brought into the tax net and service tax due from them are collected without hitch. While the basic tenet of voluntary compliance of service tax law has to be adhered to, the habitual evaders of service tax must be booked for appropriate action under the law. Effective use of Audit and Anti-evasion tools for ensuring the compliance on the part of the assessee and curbing the instances of irregularities and tax evasion are the need of hour. Greater emphasis should be laid on training the staff in Information Technology skills necessary to carry out effective, systematic and result oriented analysis of data available in the system, to achieve the target. Electronic Tax Administration (ETA) system for service tax should be effectively implemented so that service tax could be administered as a pioneer e-tax of the country. Adequate staff must be deployed along with suitable infrastructure and conveyance to implement service tax law effectively. In future, service tax will be integrated with commodity taxes to give rise to the Goods and Service Tax (GST). The proposed Goods and Service Tax is the part of the tax reforms that centre around evolving an efficient and harmonized consumption tax system in the country. Presently, there are parallel systems of indirect taxation at the Central and State level. The existing service tax system poses an imminent challenge to reform its synergies to eventually harmonize itself in the GST regime. Successful integration of goods and service tax would give India a world-class tax system and will bring in improved tax collection. In a way, it will boost our economy and enable us to compete at the global front. As a result, our system will eventually match the international standard in the sphere of indirect taxation. It will also end the long standing distortions  of differential treatments to the manufacturing and service sectors. GST would be a single comprehensive indirect tax to be levied on goods and services. It would be levied at every production and distribution chain with the eligibility to claim indirect taxes paid on procurement chain. Under the current regime, there is a fractured credit mechanism where businesses dont get credit for all the taxes they pay. The effort to prepare for a smooth integration with the GST without any hardship to public is a big challenge, which needs to be handled at the field as well policy level. GST is the future of all indirect taxes in India for which a consensus is needed between the central and state governments. It was supposed to be implemented from 1 April 2010 but is postponed every year due to lack of consensus. The delay in the implementation is causing loss to the tune of thousands of crores every year which could have gained in by increased efficiency. The central government should come forward with some form of incentive driven plan to bring the GST regime in the country which poised to put the fiscal administration of the country at higher level. References

Preferential Hiring in the North Essay Example for Free

Preferential Hiring in the North Essay Inuit in the north, specifically in Nunavut, have an agreement with the government that they receive special benefits to help with day-to-day problems because of what happened to their people in the past. It is common knowledge that when explorers and traders first went to the north, they mistreated the aboriginals up there. They introduce alcohol and tobacco, they forced them to become sedentary by killing off their sled dogs and setting up trading booths for fur trades and such, and they quickly made them become â€Å"Europeanized†. This is not a proud part of Canadian history, and there have been measures taken to try and make up for the wrongs that were done. One of these measures is preferential hiring for Inuit. Although preferential hiring may seem like a fair arrangement given all that has happened, it is incredibly unjust and creates unnecessary problems. It is a fact that in the north the government has to hire a certain percent of Inuit when they are filling job positions. I do not agree with this because what ends up happening is that to be able to meet the agreed amount of beneficiaries hired, the government then has to employ people who may not have the qualifications necessary for the job, or who aren’t as trained and competent as other candidates. What also happens in many cases is that the requirements necessary to apply for a position get watered down until they are simple enough to target a larger crowd. This results in a slow-moving government with poor decision-making skills and no proficiency nor productivity. For example, a couple of years ago, in Iqaluit, there was a position as a secretary of a school that needed to be filled. However, there were no Inuit who applied that had enough qualifications for the job, so the school board then had to change the contract, saying that the minimum education requirement was a grade 10 education. A secretary of a school has many responsibilities, and I feel that it is needless to say that a pers on working in a learning facility should have a minimum of a high school diploma. That example was not an uncommon occurrence, it happens far too regularly in the north. It is a huge part of the reason why there is no motivation for a higher education in the youth of the north. These individuals know that if they can at least graduate high school, then they are almost guaranteed a job, and often a six digit salary (or very close to  it). They become lazy, and do not want to waste their time going to get a post-secondary education when they can easily get a job without one. This leads to my next point. There are many people who apply for the government jobs who have all the necessary qualifications and have the proper training and experience for the job, who don’t even get considered simply because of their nationality; if they aren’t Inuit, they aren’t wanted. This is borderline racism. The most qualified person should receive the job; all other factors (within reason) should be irrelevant. It is unfair towards all those who take the time and spend their money going through university, to be overlooked because there was a beneficiary with a high school diploma who also applied for the job. My final point is that there is no reason whatsoever for an Inuit not to have the proper credentials for a job apart from pure laziness. They are given all the opportunities imaginable, and it is their own fault if they do not take them. There is no excuse anymore for them not to have an education, because the government pays for their entire schooling. In fact, Inuit students get paid to go to university and other educational facilities. They are actually making money instead of going in to debt like most students. Therefore, one might wonder, why would someone not want to go to university and get a higher education if they are being paid for it? And the answer is because they do not need an education to get well-respected and well-paid jobs. There are plenty of examples why preferential hiring for Inuit is in fact handicapping them instead of helping them. The efficiency of the government in the north is nowhere near the same as the rest of Canada, and it is due to a lack of qualifications of those who are preferentially hired. By eliminating preferential hiring, you would be increasing motivation for a higher education and a better working society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Road To Cashless Economy Using Technology Finance Essay

The Road To Cashless Economy Using Technology Finance Essay Technology advances almost everyday and affects almost every part of our lives and in every industry. The latest advancement, or idea, is a cashless economy. This would eliminate the need for cash in our economic system. Are Americans ready for this? Can this really work? Americans will definitely need a lot of information before adjusting to this change. The younger generation seems all for it, and is already mostly using debit and credit cards. With so much fraud and counterfeit, could checks and cash soon be a thing of the past? What is a Cashless Economy? A cashless economy is a system where payments are made by electronic means rather then using cash or check to pay for goods or services. In an economy that is cashless, a person would pay with plastic methods like credit cards, debit cards or smart cards. This type of transaction electronically moves money from one account to another rather then using the traditional forms of exchanging printed currency or checks. In the time period of 1999 to 2005, the amount of card-swiping terminals tripled to the number of 6.9 million. (Samuelson, June 2007) This figure compares to the fact that 9.1 billion bills are printed each year in the United States, but 95% of that is to replace old and worn out bills and not to expand the supply of paper currency in circulation. In 1996, checks and cash were the payment method for 80% of transactions in the United States and that figure is now reduced to half. (Samuelson, June 2007). It is predicted that in 2010, cashless options will be used for 70% of transactions. For some situations, cash is no longer an option. American Airlines will no longer take cash for payment in flight for drinks and snacks offered. (Associated, May 2009) Other businesses will not accept checks as a form of payment and will only accept cash or electronic options. These facilities include major chains like Subway, McDonalds and Burger King. The largest retailers, Target and Wal-mart, will accept a check, but it is processed electronically rather then the paper deposits and paper trails of yesterday. Woodfords Model of Cashless Economy There has been much debate over Woodfords model of a cashless economy by many experts in the field of economics. Most experts believe that although some of the ideas brought forth make sense, the model is still incomplete because in real world economics, central banks can affect nominal interest rates. In Woodfords model, he assumes that this does not relate to the real world economy. Woodfords argument is that banks have committed themselves to straightforward objectives to control inflation but price stability creates a basis for economic performance. The basic questions brought about by Woodfords theory are: Should central banks control interest rates? As of now, banks follow a rules-based approach through interest rate targeting which is the preferred policy option. The most relative concepts of Woodfords model are: a pure credit economy, natural rate of interest, cumulative process and rules for monetary policy. In Woodfords model, markets are perfectly competitive, prices adjust continuously to clear markets, and there exist markets in which state-contingent securities of any kind may be traded. In this case, no one would have to hold money and all payments could be handled by transfers or other assets. Basically, all base money would be held in and transferred between bank accounts. In Woodfords cashless economy, he analyzes the need for money to hold according to household demands by holding stocks of assets by which the bank can still profit by generating flows of credit. In this setting, there would need to be perfect competition and complete financial markets making nominal assets that substitute for money. According to the rules of this system, the bank would become the price-taker, not the price-maker. Unfortunately, there is no such th ing as a perfect or complete market, so Woodford allows for central banks the power to vary their price, however, in this scenario it takes away from the purpose of the model in that it is no longer free of monetary friction. Woodfords model of a cashless economy is a concept that may not have an opportunity to be implemented by the central bank system because shortcomings may halt the process of converting to a pure credit economy. Woodford will admit that his model does have its own set of problems. The only way his price setting theory could work is if the environment is in low inflation; it is impossible for the system to work if inflation is accelerating. Experts seem to differ in opinion about a conversion like Woodfords and are not sure if the issues associated are more semantics but the general consensus is that while the model is a step towards a cashless economy; there are many wholes in the system as well. Pros and Cons of a Cashless Economy It almost seemed impossible 20 years ago that the currency that we use for our everyday activities and purchases would be replaced by electronic funds creating a cashless economy. Credit cards use to be the new thing on the market in the 80s but as times have advanced and Americans have embraced the idea, its a thing of the past and part of our economic growth system. The big idea behind the credit cards and direct deposit was to keep money out of the peoples hand and into the banks. Even though cash transitions are not in decline, cashless purchases are steadily increasing and surpassing cash purchases made. It seems to have accomplished its goal because at least one American or household has at least one credit card, if not more. Furthermore, smart cards are squeezing their way into the economy as well. But, with any shift of change especially affecting the economy, there is always a negative and positive side to things. There are many positive ideas about moving toward a cashless economy. The first idea is that in a world without cash, payment is made by using electronic means merely to change the numbers on peoples bank statements. Banks prefer this because its a less expensive way to shift value between people. In many circumstances, handling cash can be troublesome, risky and inconvenient. Surprisingly, we have no figures for the number and value of cash transactions, though we have excellent data for non-cash transactions. (Sydney, 2004) Another positive aspect is that when we talk about employers being paid, electronic funds always seem to be the better way and fastest to get paid. Employees are opting to get there paycheck direct deposited in their bank account rather than receiving the traditional paper check which is almost extinct. According to a survey conducted by the Australian Retailers Association in 2001, cash accounts for only about 40% of the value of all payments received by the su rveyed retailers. (Sydney, 2004) Smart cards on the other hand, are convenient for consumers. Checks are still the most popular way people pay their bills but now there are faster and more convenient ways to do it with the internet, smart cards and over the phone. They would eventually replace all other existing cards such as: credit cards, ATM cards, debit cards etc. Another benefit would be the fact that smart cards remember every transition that was made eliminating the need to save receipts for proof of payment. Third, smart cards would mean less cash handling for merchants. Currently it costs businesses and banks about $60 billion each year to handle cash and coin. Consider that cash gets counted at least five times between you, the merchant, and the bank. (Manchester, 1997) Fourth, it would mean less fraud for banks. Smart cards would virtually eliminate the need for banks to set aside money to cover fraud loss. Fifth, it eases the burden of the government. Collecting taxes fr om citizens could become much easier if taxes were collected from the cards. Even though smart cards seem to be the best thing that will hit the economic market, it has disadvantages to the consumer, and merchant. To begin with being that everything will be transferred to the card there is a need to know what is going on behind the scenes. In other words, when we handle cash or pay for purchases with cash we know exactly how much we paid and how much we have left. But, with the smart card, a transaction is non personal and with that comes usage fees. Another area of concern is the idea of consumer privacy. What information is actually kept private and the information that is being stored, what is it being used for? If your smart card is not properly programmed and secured, a merchant could access your health records, driving record or any other information on the card. (Manchester, 1997) Furthermore, will consumers accept the new card or reject them? Will the smart card require an upfront fee to purchase and fees thereafter? Plus, will the card be accepted an ywhere? Just like credit cards and ATMs there will always be malfunction problems and transaction problems that will need to be addressed. And when we talk about purchases and buying things online from merchants, we have to keep in mind that the merchants will have to update their machines to accept the cards and may have to pay a fee for the convenience of using them as well. So while we count up the advantages and disadvantages of the card the consumer, merchants, banks and government need to consider all of the components the smart card has to offer. America seems to be shifting into a microwave market meaning that they want it right now and dont want to wait. Even the childhood game, Monopoly has gone cashless. Sometimes cashless isnt the best thing, following the old sayings that if its not broken dont fix it. Will the smart card be the ultimate downfall or turning point of the economy? The years to come will only tell, but cash is still here to stay for a while. Electronic Methods of Payment One method of electronic payments is the debit card. A debit card is a bank issued plastic card that is directly linked to a bank account. When you use a debit card, money is deducted from your bank account right away. (Ellis, 2009) This card is beneficial because it allows the user to pay immediately and not pay any interest amount on the purchase because they are using money that is available immediately. Benefits of a debit card include the fact the user pays no interest and its convenience. Negative things about a debit card could be the high bank fees at some institutions and the possible increase of being vulnerable to identity theft of a card linked directly to a bank account. Another method of electronic payment is the credit card. Credit cards can be issued by banks, other financial institutions, retailers and oil companies. There are two different kinds of credit cards and those are credit cards and charge cards. Credit cards allow a line of credit and the user to pay a minimum amount each month and charge cards require the user to pay the full amount charged each month. (Columbia, 2006) Benefits of a credit card include the ability to pay immediately and the convenience. The negative effects would be the often times high interest charged for using the credit card. A third method of electronic payment is the smart card. A smart card is a plastic card the size of a credit card that has a microchip loaded with data. (Security, 2009) A smart card can be loaded for many different applications including dialing a connection to a mobile phone, establishing identity, using at parking meters, giving data at hospitals to avoid filling out forms, or purchase online at electronic stores. Smart cards are currently being used primarily in Europe but are expected to become a larger use of electronic payment as technology continues to advance. Summary A cashless economy seems to have many advantages and disadvantages. It creates less risk for the financial institutions, as well as saving them money. The smartcards save time for the consumer and the financials. The debit and credit cards offer many advantages for financial institutions and consumers as well. As research continues and different methods are explored, time will tell if cashless is the best way to go.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Double and Triple Taxation Must be Eliminated :: Expository Exemplification Essays

Double and Triple Taxation Must be Eliminated President George Bush states that "it's unfair to tax money twice." This statement is actually an example of normative economics and only describes an opinion. It cannot be proven because the term "unfair" is relative to different people; however, not many people would dare to disagree. Especially if the double tax was not aimed only at the large corporations or the richest 10% of the nation but at every hardworking American who brings home a paycheck. Even worse, many of these Americans do not even realize the "double tax," and sometimes even "triple tax," that is imposed on them. Currently, large corporations are required to be taxed a certain percentage of all of their profits. This includes the money from which dividends are derived. When stock holders obtain the dividends from these corporations, the government counts this as individual income and is taxed once again. Six percent of the population would benefit from abolishment of this "double tax." However, the largest part of the income that is taxed twice is the income from the worker's paycheck. Opposed to the 6 percent of dividend holders, this affects every working American. The income is first taxed as a whole and then Social Security and Medicare tax is also deducted. The money that was for Medicare and Social Security is never seen but is counted as if the individual had an opportunity to spend it. What is worse is much of the Social Security money is received from retirees who are again taxed on the income, creating a "triple tax." For Social Security recipients, there is a fixed amount of income allowed to go untaxed but is taxed once exceeded. However, these base amounts do not change with inflation which creates more and more people who are "unfairly" taxed. Also, this "triple tax" is paid all by the same person whereas the dividend tax is shared by both corporations and stockholders. This double tax is imposed on far more people who make much less money than the di vidend holders. The Social Security tax on a worker's paycheck can only be implemented on a certain amount of income, creating a maximum base amount. This base amount does rise with inflation. Therefore, as income increases, the Social Security tax actually decreases. Those who make less money pay a larger percentage of their income to the government through the Social Security tax than the wealthy class does.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Themes of Abortion and Pregnancy in Hills Like White Elephants :: Hills Like White Elephants Ernest Hemingway

Hills Like White Elephants, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a story that takes place in Spain while a man and woman wait for a train. The story is set up as a dialogue between the two, in which the man is trying to convince the woman to do something she is hesitant in doing. Through out the story, Hemingway uses metaphors to express the characters’ opinions and feelings. Hills Like White Elephants displays the differences in the way a man and a woman view pregnancy and abortion. The woman looks at pregnancy as a beautiful aspect of life. In the story the woman’s pregnancy is implied through their conversation. She refers to the near by hills as elephants; "They look like white elephants" (464). She is comparing the hills to her own situation, pregnancy. "They’re lovely hills. They really don’t look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees" (465). Just as the hills have their distinct beauty to her, she views pregnancy in the same fashion making the reference to the hills having skin—an enlarged mound forming off of what was once flat. The man views pregnancy just the opposite. When the girl is talking about the white elephants and agrees that the man has never seen one, his response is, "I might have, just because you say I haven’t doesn’t prove anything" (464). This sho ws the defensive nature of the man, and when the woman implies the he is unable to differentiate between what is beautiful and what is not. Another issue that is discussed in this story is abortion and two opposing views. When the conversation turns from the hills to the operation one is able to comprehend the mentality of the woman. "Then what will we do afterwards?" (465) shows the woman is concerned about what will occur after the operation. "And if I do it you will be happy and things will be like they were and you will love me" (465). Here, the woman implies she wants the reassurance that he will still be there after the operation, because an abortion places an emotional strain on the on the woman. Throughout the story it is evident that the woman is not sure if she wants to have the abortion—shown in her hesitation to agree. The woman feels that people gain freedom through experiences. "And we could have all of this, and every day we make it more impossible" (466).

Los Vendidos :: essays research papers

Los Vendidos means the sell-outs. All the characters in the play sold-out at some point during the play. The characters sold out both their races and their way of life. I would say that the person who sold out the most was the Mexican-American because he sold-out both his Mexican, his American heritage and way of life. He wanted to be perfect, so when he found that the Americans and the Mexicans had their flaws he sold them out. He now has to search for a new and perfect race to identify with. (He will be searching for a while.) The Mexican- American sold out his Mexican Heritage when he said, "The problems of the Mexicans stem from one thing alone he's stupid, he is under-educated, he needs to stay in school. He needs to be ambitious and be forward looking, most important he needs to think American" (Page 382). In his statement he is only finding the bad of his people and stating it for the entire room to hear. He shows great disrespect for the Mexican heritage by saying all that is wrong with them. He shows their flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections. I believe your heritage makes up who you are and that is you, so you should never disrespect yourself by disrespecting your heritage. I believe thee way he sold-out was by disrespecting his heritage. the Mexican- American is still trying to decide weather he is going to live Mexican or American. When the Mexican-American says, "The only thing I don't like is how come I always got to play the goddamn Mexican-American"(Page-384). You are unsure by this statement weather he is selling-out his Mexican or his American lifestyle. You know he wants to perfect because of his attitude toward playing the part of the Mexican-American. The Mexican American doesn't know where he wants to go in life I guess this proves no matter how old you are or how much of an education you have you sell people out and walk all over them.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The San Francisco earthquake

Earthquake is a shaking of the earth’s surface. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the earth’s crust is formed by a number of large plates that move very slowly in various directions on the earth’s surface. Most earthquakes occur near a boundary between two plates. As one plate pushes past or over another, great stresses build up in the rock along the edges of the plates because friction prevents them from sliding past each other. Eventually, the stresses become great enough to rupture the rock. The edges of the plates slip a short distance in opposite directions, causing an earthquake.The greater the stresses that have built up, the greater the resulting earthquake is. Some earthquakes are caused by the movement of lava beneath the surface of the earth during volcanic activity. The cause of earthquakes that occur in regions far from volcanoes or plate boundaries is uncertain. An earthquake is accompanied by three types of waves that vibrate the earthâ⠂¬â„¢s surface—primary, secondary, and surface waves. The primary wave alternately compresses and expands the rock of the earth’s interior. This wave moves through the earth at a speed that varies greatly.Under some conditions it is about five miles per second. The secondary wave shakes the rock sidewise as it advances. It travels through the interior of the earth about three-fifths as fast as the primary wave. While the Surface wave is the most damaging, resembles the waves produced when a stone is dropped in a puddle. The surface of the table has not vibrated more than a fraction of an inch. This is why a slight tremor in the earth can create havoc on the surface. Moreover, earthquakes toppled entire cities, killed thousands of persons, and caused disastrous fires and oceanic waves (tsunamis).However, most earthquakes, of which there are thousands each year, are relatively weak and cause little or no damage. No part of the world is entirely free of earthquakes, but t hey occur most frequently in areas in which the earth’s crust is still changing. These areas, called earthquakes belts, include the shores of the Pacific Ocean and an area extending from south-central Asia to the Mediterranean Sea. Major earthquakes often leave visible signs of their power, altering features on the earth’s surface. Reelfoot Lake in northwestern Tennessee was created by a series of earthquakes centered on New Madrid, Missouri, in 1811-12.The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was associated with the great San Andreas Fault in California, a fracture in the earth’s surface that can be traced for more than 500 miles. An earthquake, even a small one, may be accompanied by a low, rumbling sound like thunder. The vibration of a mild quake feels like that caused by the passing of a heavy train. Large quakes are usually followed by many smaller quakes called aftershock. Aftershocks can occur during a period of several months after the original quake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Action Plan for New Nivea in a New Market Segment

The astir(p) scotch conditions in various softens of the realism provide individual companies with mart opportunities that study to be shapeed completely. Some loyal Moving Consumer Goods (FCMG) manufacturers turn out already defend this move whereas others ar still concentrating on traditional highly developed economies. This root word illustrates how Nivea, the bark bearing manufacturer, buns exploit grocery opportunities offered by the libertine development nations. The paper lead specific altogethery popularize on how Nivea fanny develop a altogether unexampled hide comparable harvest that would be considered to specific merchandise incisions in the aforementioned nations.The first instalment highlights on external audit of the advanced mart and harvest-home situation, whereas the second part provides internal audit. An action plan for deuce months aheadhand product launching and 12 months after the launch is illustrated throughout the paper. bit I External study The dissipated developing nations, peculiarly in Asia, provides FCMG manufacturers with sybaritic opportunity to expand world(a) sales. The then(prenominal) three decades throw off indeed seen fluid incomes in formerly poor countries s increase tremendously. mainland China and India atomic number 18 the best example of countries whose inhabitants stupefy humpd ever- change magnitude incomes. high incomes mean that Indians and Chinese are subject to afford products that seemed to be luxury before. fell guard products fall in much(prenominal) category, nitty-gritty that Nivea has a dependable grocery store its product portfolio. The unsalteder generation in both countries is especially the ones that Nivea chooses to tar run short. The developing taste of luxurious throw together care products demands that Nivea stake on provide products to this stipendiary trade segment. In addition, the friendship has to cogitate developing bare-ass products that are specifically designed for this generation just planning products from traditional markets might non make signifi flush toilett impact.This market segment need products they can good associate with, not just imports. Developing a product specifically for the Asian market would indeed get better reception before competitors think of making a sympathetic move. Customers in this market segment would meditate a pride in use product specifically developed for their uses, as the federation reaps benefits through improved sales and market dominance. Nivea is not the only skin care product manufacturer eying the compensable Asian market, as other global companies are making onslaught in the region (Haig 2006).A greater tot up of competitors are also supplying trade products to this market segment, meaning that Nivea would be making the initial move of developing and merchandising products for this bracing market. Nivea competitors in these markets can be clear upified into three themeings. First is the group consisting of local manufacturers that have been in the pipeline for many a(prenominal) historic period. The availability of modern engineering has enabled these local players to perfect respective products to world-wide. The ne plus ultra of respective products mean that indigenous companies are able of competing effectively and defend their market function.The second group includes external players with experience in other markets. This group is roughly militant and indeed the one that Nivea should not ignore. The improving economic situation in the region will continue attracting much competition from existing firms. The third group includes companies willing to enter into the Asian moneymaking(a) skin care market. Nivea concern should farther consider that local and internationalistic companies could get into joint conjectures that could be hard to out-compete. The beau monde should therefore consider a confusable approach.A joint marketing venture with local companies should especially be considered in the 2 months before the launch. This is in correspondence that professionals working on local companies have better checking on consumers and their needfully (Riezebos, Kist & Kootsra 2003). PESTLE epitome Pestle Analysis is hereby used to illustrate externalities that Nivea will have to handle in the surgical procedure of introducing new product in the market segment. These are the issues that the troupe has little overtop they agents are discussed be moo in occurrence PoliticalThis factor refers to issues that may equal familiarity operations and gum olibanum compliance of the new products into the new market segment. interior(a) or regional politics have recently determined trade issues in various part of the world, including Asia. Senior commission should therefore consider organism sure on political policies that may locomote future logical argument. China and India ha ve been on the foreland on the process of creating chummy political processes for companies to establish operations (Pelsmacker 2006). Nivea is and so collected to benefit from friendly trade regime from the dickens countries.The company can even take advantage of improving investment opportunities in the region to amaze therein and consequently supply to other countries in the region as tumesce as worldwide. The company will olibanum be creating a strong base garment for competitiveness against local and international exertion players. Economic This is among the driving factors leading to Niveas entry into the Indian and Chinese young adult market segment. Indeed, as describe earlier, this segment has been experiencing expanding disposable incomes that can be used to become Nivea customers.Just wish in other countries, the expanding place class in China and India are having ferment over recline of society that would like to copy behavior (Kapferer 2004). Endearing Niv ea products to the middle class would eventually see rest of population in the two countries get consumers. The region holds good fortunes considering that economic board being experienced currently is poised to continue in coming decades. It is for this occasion that Nivea should seize the opportunity of embarking on supplying new products in the Asian sub-market. brotherly This factor regards social sensitiveness that the company has to consider, especially before entering the market segments. This should especially be considered in the two months prior to supplying company products in the region. The social issues should further be considered when preparing for advertisements that must(prenominal) not be offending in any appearance. In addition, the point market should be able to connect with the product socially, which could include packaging and presentation. Having products connecting with people socially, or which tend to promote local assimilation would go a long age ncy in endearing the new Nivea to bum market.Any clash with the local refining and customs could result to the company being out competed by other industrial players. Technological The technological factor refers to turnout and production processes used to manufacture products and later on supply to consumers. Nivea management should in the two months before rolling out the products stop putting the technology in place. In addition, Niveas senior management should embark on being on the forefront of using modern technologies that would improve productivity.Embarking on taking this route would provide the company with long run high productivity, meaning that only high look products would be generated from Nivea. Relying on technology for continue quality improvement would result to more endearment with consumers in the region. Management should gum olibanum embark on improving technology in severalise to keep improving. Environmental The environmental factor is hereby taken to mean issues alter the industry as a whole. This especially includes the size of competition and the future of the industry.The takings of competitors is a key determinant of competitiveness. a couple of(prenominal) players does not necessarily mean low competition as more companies can enter the industry in afterwards time periods. Industrial effect on environment is also addressed in this factor. Participants have to therefrom ensure trim down and totally eliminating the effect of operations on the environment, such pollution. Governments in various parts of the world have heavy fines and punishments to companies and individuals whose operations hazard environment negatively.Companies have on the other hand embarked on trim back effects on environment as part of their corporate social state (Bruhn 2002), which is something that Nivea should take seriously in China and India. Legislative This factor applies to government policies that could affect operations relating to production and supply of skin care products in respective jurisdictions. This is a factor that Nivea cannot in any way control. The company should be well inclined(p) to deal with new legislations that could come before and after launching new products in the market.In addition, the responsible managers should embark on developing ways and means of heading with operational changes that could come with new legislations. Overcoming legislative challenges should form the key foundation for succeeder in the market segments, considering positive family relationship between the company regulatory administration and consumers. Part II Internal Audit This second part highlights internal factors that Nivea can use to create strong foundation for success in the new market segments and its new product line. The company has been in the business of manufacturing and supplying skin care products since 1911 (Nivea 2008).The company has since expanded operations to many parts of the world, but has in virtually cases supplied products manufactured for older market. Indeed, the current pioneer would be among some occasions that Nivea has embarked on developing new products for new markets. The dress up (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis below illustrates how the company call for to apply before, during and after launching. Strengths Niveas incubate record of manufacturing is among the military capabilitys that will make market penetration in the new segment possible.Company products thus command a huge following in historic markets, which could be replicated in the new markets. The strength of going at greater lengths to fulfil consumer demands is best being applied in the Asian market through new products. This start by designing products that easily meet consumer skin care take adequately. The second step is the organizational grow of getting customer feedback on all products, whether new or old in respective markets (Flapper 2005 Peco tich 2006). This allows consumers to express their concerns or satisfactions with the products.The target market in India and China would thus get opportunities to inform Nivea representatives on how the new products could be improved. The company can thus embark on improving the products in line with consumer demands and tastes. The long-term result is continued improvement of company products competitiveness in the lucrative Asian market. Weaknesses The entry into wholly new market segment with marker new products serves as the greatest weakness, considering that the company has certainly never had such undertake in the region. There are few learning opportunities for the involved officials to get lessons.However, notes Keller (2006) Nivea has a floor of turning weaknesses into business opportunities that have been exploited to the maximumthis should also exit with introduction on new products in the Asian sub-market, especially in the starting time stages. Opportunities The i mproving economic conditions in the fast developing Asian countries provide ripe market for Nivea skincare products. Ever increasing segment of the populations having more funds to hap on company products. Nivea should thus position itself in tapping into this lucrative market.In addition, the company should take advantage of the improving business environment in the region. China and India are increasingly becoming competitive in the international arena, which has resulted to many companies desktop operations there. Companies that have taken advantage of trim back operational costs. Nivea, too, should embark on setting foot in the two countries, and subsequently produce for local market and merchandise to other countries. Threats Competition from local and international firms brings out major threats for Nivea entry into the new company.Local companies have for many years been able to perfect respective products to international standards (Hymes 2007). This has made them formid able competitors in skin care industry. New entrants therefore understand they are up against tough players. Naivea management further needs to consider that international skin care industry participants are also eying the same Asian market, which compounds competitive challenges. Bust as illustrated earlier, Nivea has had a history of outdoing competition on many fronts. iterate this feat in China and India is thus more likely to happen.