Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short answers - Essay Example An economist would advice a firm making accounting profits to close down because accounting profits is arrived at by subtracting only explicit costs from the total revenue. This rejects implicit costs hence inaccuracy of the profits (Aspers, 2011). (b) Why normal profit is the long run outcome for a firm under perfect competition When a firm is making economic profits, other firms will find the markets competitive hence mass entry into the market. This causes the supply curve to shift to the right, which results into a drop of the prices hence profits, are cancelled. The firm will in the end exhibit normal profits as an outcome under perfect competition (Aspers, 2011). (c) Characteristics of both monopolistic and monopoly competition, their advantages and disadvantages Characteristics of monopolistic competition are; there exist a large number of buyers and sellers, they exhibit price differentiation, free entry and exit of firms and high selling costs are incurred. Monopoly on the o ther hand exhibits characteristics such as the existence of only one firm in the market; they are price takers since they are the only producers. They have the advantage of controlling the whole market and therefore dictate the prices. The only disadvantage is that they are constrained by their own demand curves. Monopolistic case has several advantages; the most peculiar is that they are able to command a large market base. The market is disadvantaged in that stiff competition may threaten its operations in the market (Aspers, 2011). 4. (a) Graph of Fiscal policy and deflationary gap Deflationary gap happens when the actual output (Y) is below the natural output (Yn); this is as shown in the figure above. To correct the deflationary gap expansionary fiscal policy has to be used. The government does this through increasing government spending; alongside this, the government taxation has to be reduced. The result of employing the expansionary fiscal policy acts to shift the aggregate demand curve to coincide with the natural output and therefore real GDP is increased. Deflationary gap is caused when the investment spending goes down hence it is simply solved when the government increases it investment spending such as spending on infrastructure (Buti, 2003). (b) How fiscal and monetary used to address deflationary gap affects balance of payment Fiscal policy tools used to such as increased taxation will make the costs of local goods to be expensive. When the local goods become expensive balance shifts from favoring importation. When imports are more than exports, there is unfavorable balance of payment, which is harmful to the economy. In addition, monetary policies to correct deflationary gap is that aimed at increasing money supply, which leads to an increase in prices. Increase in prices causes local goods to be equally expensive leading to increased importation hence unfavorable balance of payment. Such negative impacts of balance of payment occur when the economy is at the helm of growth (Buti, 2003). 6. (a) Reasons for holding money There are three major reasons for holding money; transactionery motive, precautionary motive and speculative motive. For transactionery motive, money is held to undertake daily transactions mostly on basics. Money is also held to handle any future unfortunate occurrences anticipated in the future. Speculators are investors who anticipate that assets will be attractive in the near future hence hold money to take advantage of such (Dobeck, MF &

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theory And Methodology Essay Example for Free

Theory And Methodology Essay One of the primary ways in which social science is defined is in terms of its difference from the so-called ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. Its use of theory and methodology is, therefore, closely related to this distinction. Social scientists often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of social sciences. Unlike in any pure science where certain universal, everlasting rules influence what is to be expected of a situation (like say, under any circumstance 2 + 2 will always be 4) in social science nothing can be taken for absolute certain. This is because social science deals with humanity, which is inherently transient. Taking this element of transience into consideration social scientists have to use not just quantitative but also qualitative methods of study. A Qualitiative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. This is in sharp contrast to the methods used in pure sciences which are exclusively objective. The research methods for social sciences are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. An example of such a method is the Intelligence Quotient (or IQ) test which helps us quantify a certain non-specific capacity or quality of an individual. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i.e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc.) in their study. Since human beings tend to operate in terms of such data and not in terms of the terminology used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. (Roberts, 2003) In keeping with the methodology employed in social science researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they aren’t necessarily applicable to all conditions. Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a social science subject. Success in the field of social science researches can therefore be achieved if and only if it is understood that the subject has no space or opportunity for water-tight methodologies or theories. Reference: Roberts, O M; (2003); Creating Future: An Approach in Tomorrows Perspective; National Book Trust. 244

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Homebuying 101: An Affordable Challenge Essay -- Journalism Essays

Homebuying 101: An Affordable Challenge For the past four weeks, Natalie Delsoin and 24 other Boston residents have been spending their Tuesday nights learning the ins and outs of affordable housing. Delsoin recently moved to Dorcester after a military stint in Germany, and she hopes to someday own a home. She plans on that day coming sooner rather than later. Delsoin’s biggest concern is her 2 year-old daughter. â€Å"I need a single family home that is safe†¦ and safe for my child,† she said. The class’ instructor, Tanya Townshend, teaches 30 to 60 people in each of her homebuyers classes. Townshend works as an assistant property manager for Maloney Properties, a New England real estate chain that sponsors a number of sessions for homebuyers. Townshend said â€Å"about 10% (of class attendants) seem to be ready to buy† after her four week seminar. The rest attend more classes or work on improving their credit rating before bidding on a home. Boston is one of the tightest housing markets in the country. Many first-time homebuyers are looking for any advantage they can get in finding their first home. For many homebuyers, affordable housing is the only realistic option. However, affordable housing is limited and there are a number of obstacles for families seeking to go that route. To help with the process, the city of Boston and a handful of community development groups sponsor first-time homeowner courses and support programs for people interested in affordable housing. According to a August 2000 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) low income housing study, â€Å"the overall vacancy rate for rental units in the Boston was 4.1% in 1998 compared to 6.7% for the Northeast region and 7.9% for the country.† The h... ... at the assessment shows this duplex has no remodeling work done, the exterior and interior structures are poor, and the interior finish is graded as substandard. For a two-family home, it offers a decent accommodation – each residence has three bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms, as well as over 1,700 feet of living space. Significant depreciation in property value indicates the place is extremely run down. For prospective first-time homeowners, a tight housing market and constantly changing neighborhoods make finding the right home a difficult choice. The market is full of wrong choices. Potential buyers like Natalie Delsoin and James Creed hold out hope when their lottery number is picked, there are still affordable housing options waiting for them. Creed says that regardless of when that time comes, the classes â€Å"make you go in with your eyes more wide open.†

Thursday, October 24, 2019

RAINFORESTS Essay -- Essays Papers

RAINFORESTS What are the Rain forests? A rain forest can be merely defined as a evergreen forest inhabiting a tropical region, filled with a wide variety of plants and animals, with an annual rainfall of at least 2.5 meters. Simply speaking, they are the richest, oldest, most productive ecosystems on earth. An ecosystem is a living community together with its environment, together both functioning as a unit. Biologist, Norman Myers, states "rainforests are the finest celebration of nature ever known to the planet" (1). There are three main types of rainforests; temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical. Most of the rain forests still left in the world today are tropical. Tropical rain forests cover less then 6% of the earth, yet they contain half of the world’s species. As a matter of fact, rain forests support 90,000 of the 250,000 identifies plant species. A tropical rain forest has three layers: the canopy (treetops), the understory (young trees, ferns, shrubs), and the forest floor. Rain forests have been known as the "womb of life" (1) because they are home to so many species. Temperate (much younger, and more full of nutrients, located along Canada and the United States, among others) and sub-tropical rain forests also contain many ranges of animals (monkeys, birds, snakes, jaguars), however they are not as different. Regardless, the rain forests possess an array of foliage and fauna. Tropical rain forests lie near the equator, which means the temperature is extremely hot, above eighty degrees year round, and the climate is extremely wet. Rainforests cover about two percent of the earth’s surface, or six percent of it’s land mass, and yet they are the primary shelter for over half of the plant and animal species on earth.... ... happening outside our hometown. Remember that this is the future for our generation. We CAN stop the destruction, however that is only is we try to make a difference and spread the word among others. Get involved. People of the Tropical Rain forest. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Hosansky, David. "Saving the Rain forests." The CQ Researcher (1999): pgs. 497-99. Tropical Rain Forests. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988. The Primary Source: Tropical Forests and Our Future. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1984. Rochman, Hazel. "Tropical Rain Forests/ Wetlands." Booklist (1999): pg. 440. Tangley, David. "Rain Forests for Profit." U.S. News and World Report (1998): pgs. 40-44. Tropical Rain Forests. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. Wright, Evelyn. "Giving the Rain Forests a Break." Business Week (1999): pg. 51.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Stuart Mill Essay

I) Utilitarianism: + Whenever we have a choice between alternative actions or social policies, we must choose the one that has the best overall consequences for everyone concerned. + According to utilitarianism, the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome. 3 + Utilitarianism is the one that maximizes utility, which is understood in terms of happiness or pleasure, in the moral actions. + For Utilitarianism, the morally best (better) alternative is that which produces the greatest (or greater) net utility, where utility is defined in terms of happiness or pleasure. (Ethics, Mackinnon) 4 + Two main philosophers of Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) 5 II) Introduction to the main idea of Utilitarianism: A) The Principle of Utility (J. Bentham) â€Å"By the Principle of Utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness to the party whose interest is in question† (The Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.Bentham) + The principle is for the promotion of greater happiness. 6 â€Å"We ought to do that which produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. † (Ethics, Mackinnon) + It is the guidance or principle of ethics: We should promote the greatest happiness in choices or actions. 7 Example: Killing is morally wrong because it does not promote happiness. But killing would be morally right if it promotes happiness, like the case of Japanese story and the case of disabled person. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=8BjJ3yms8VM 8. II) Introduction to the main idea of Utilitarianism: B) The Greatest Happiness Principle (J. S. Mill) â€Å"†¦The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) â€Å"By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by happiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill). 9 + â€Å"According to the Greatest Happiness Principle†¦ the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all other things are desirable (whether we are considering our own good or that of other people), is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as possible in enjoyments. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) + The Greatest Happiness Principle: Promote pleasure/ utility 10 III) Two kinds of pleasure (J. S. Mill): 1) Physical pleasure: satisfaction of physical need 2) Intellectual pleasure: satisfaction of intellectual / spiritual need Example: Aesthetic pleasure, like painting 11. The Painting of Vincent Van Gogh 12 The Painting of Claude Monet 13 + The beauty of music: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Xg4ekh8 MwfM&list=PLF9B40412F22FA26B http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=n4ba8A W_Zck 14 IV) Calculation of Utility / Happiness + Pleasure minus Pain = Net happiness 1) Act A produces 10 units of happiness and 2 units of unhappiness: net happiness = 8 units of happiness 2) Act B produces 8 units of happiness and 4 units of unhappiness: net happiness = 4 units Act A is morally better than Act B. 15 + The best choice of Utilitarianism is the promotion of the interests of the greater (or greatest) number. + The utilitarian does not consider the nature of the acts or the motive, but just the utility or happiness in sum. + Example: the case of Down’s syndrome. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=NeaDwFx8fgs 16 V)The measurement of utility: a)Intensity: quality of pleasure, e. g. winning a basketball match vs ice-cream b)Duration: the time lasted c)Fruitfulness: Not only the immediate pleasure, but also long-term result, like friendship, d)Likelihood: the closeness of happening of the consequence (utility). 17 VI)The proof of Principle of Greatest Utility or Happiness â€Å" The only proof capable of being given that an object is visible, is that people actually see it. The only proof that a sound is audible, is that people hear it†¦In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it. † (Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill) 18 + David Hume’s Is/ Ought distinction – ‘Is’ does not imply ‘Ought’: – e. g. we have parents ? we should obey to parents. VII) Mill’s the Harm Principle: â€Å"That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant . . . Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign. † (On Liberty, J. S. Mill) 19 + The harm principle above promotes freedom, which is as the means to happiness. + The ultimate or intrinsic Good: pleasure or happiness + Instrumental good is the good which promotes the intrinsic good: education, freedom 20 VIII) Assessing Utilitarianism 1) Utilitarian conception of impartiality – The utility or interest of the party involved is to be counted equally. (NO privileged class under Utilitarianism) 2) The promotion of animal welfare and animal right as the happiness of the animal is counted as well. (Peter Singer) 21 3) The Utility-oriented approach: A) Act-Utilitarianism: The consequence of this particular act is considered. In this case, killing the innocent may be justified for the sake of greater utility. The problem of right and justice. B) Rule-Utilitarianism: The consequence of the act is performed as a general practice (rule). 22 4) Conflict of pleasures Intellectual pleasure vs physical pleasure (satisfaction of hunger) How should we act/ choose? Life is not worth living when it is without utility or pleasure? 23 + Discussion: Is Utilitarianism a good way to guide our actions or choices, according to the common sense of morality and moral practices? 24.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Our Food Has Changed and the Impact of Those Changes Essays

How Our Food Has Changed and the Impact of Those Changes Essays How Our Food Has Changed and the Impact of Those Changes Essay How Our Food Has Changed and the Impact of Those Changes Essay How Our Food Has Changed and the Impact of those Changes What do we eat? Food. Sounds simple enough, but is it? It used to be that food was all you could eat, but today there is a plethora of â€Å"edible food like substances† in our grocery store (Pollan). In today’s world, the fact that it is sold in a grocery store doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s nutritious or healthful. I’m going to step back into the past and show how food has changed in the last 50 years and the impact that it‘s having on us. It’s not just what we eat or how we eat, but how it affects us in everything from our physical health to our mental health to our pocket books. Food that was available 50 years ago was vastly different from what is available today. There was more â€Å"real† food available. There was certainly the beginning of junk food back then, but it was different. The fast food places were almost non-existent. We had a limited amount of junk that we could buy. Homemakers were actually homemakers back then. They cooked from scratch a lot of the time and dinner was meat and potatoes, and a vegetable or two. Dessert was homemade. Only certain fruits and vegetables were available at any given time. It depended on what was in season at the time. Then came the era of â€Å"fast. † Everything was fast, including food. Fast food places were popping up on every corner. We were in such a time crunch all of the time that we starting rushing through not only the eating, but also the preparation of our meals. Housewives thought that all the convenience foods were a great idea. It now took half the time to prepare a meal compared to making it from scratch. Surely the food was good and nutritious. Ah, the time it saved. It was thought to be wonderful; but at what price? Food today is not as nutritious as it used to be. This is a contributing factor and, quite possibly, a major cause of the rapid rise in degenerative diseases. The fresh fruits and vegetables that are eaten now contain up to 50% less minerals than they did in the 1930’s. This, along with the widespread use of pesticides, is slowly poisoning the human population. Due to the fact that our bodies aren’t getting the optimum nutrition that they should, they are less able to detoxify effectively. Pesticides are poisons that the body has to deal with, even though the doses are minute. Their use has also increased and this is likely to have toxic effects on the system. Even the water we drink contains additives from farming and pharmaceuticals that puts a strain on our systems (Draper). People now have less energy but also have less to do physically. People are so tired all the time. Energy drinks are consumed in massive amounts. Even children as young as 10 years old seem to need the boost that stimulants give people to keep them going. That in itself is a problem. As a result of ingesting the high fructose corn syrup present in many, if not most, of these drinks, sugar consumption is way up. In the past 50 years there has been a 19% reduction in calorie intake for boys, and 29% reduction for girls, but increased sugar consumption! As a result, children are getting fatter and fatter. Computers, diet, TV and less exercise are some of the causes. These are big changes from 50 years ago (Draper). In elementary schools in the 1960s, the lunch ladies actually cooked lunch every day. Food such as meatloaf, macaroni and cheese (not from a box! , or soup and sandwiches were served, always with a vegetable, milk, and small dessert (Dolson). In 1989, it was shown that school meals had major deficiencies. Today, many school lunch menus are more similar to fast food restaurants, making healthy choices more difficult. In many schools, Middle/Jr. High students can also buy sports drinks, and high school students are allowed carbonated beverages (Dolson). Phy sical exercise is no longer as important as it used to be. It has been reduced by a full 50%! Potential major problems are being created in our children just by the lack of activity alone (Draper). Add that to the fact that our food is not as nutritious and filled with chemicals, and to our high sugar intake, and we have a real problem on our hands. Fully 2/3 of Americans is overweight or obese and suffers from diet related diseases, like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Medicine is learning how to keep alive the very people for whom the western diet is making sick (Pollan). According to Dr. Mark Draper, there has been a 30% reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. And those we do eat are less nutritious, due to the processing. To increase shelf life, chemicals that are termed ‘additives’ are added. As Dr. Draper states, â€Å"At worst these are mild poisons, and at best they are chemicals the body does not see as food. † Nutrition is no longer considered important. Shelf life is now more important. It is estimated that somewhere between 70 to 80% of all food eaten is processed in some way. There are over 3000 substances that may legally be added to our food. How can we tell what and how much is safe to eat? Some, like salt, have been around for thousands of years. It is used to preserve food and enhance the flavor of foods (Dolson, Food Additives Whats Safe? ). It is one of the most widely used additives, but still not totally healthful. New food additives need to go through a very long process to get approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Most of the studies, especially the preliminary ones, are done on animals. There are many additives and chemicals that are said to be safe in any amount; and there are some that are said to be safe in small amounts, but in large amounts, they can cause cancer. That is worrisome, because we don’t know how much is really in our food. As if that wasn’t bad enough, America is having a love affair with sugar. But that is not a very sweet deal. Sixteen ounces of a sugar sweetened soft drink contains the equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar (TLC Cooking). Most are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, which is as bad, if not worse, than regular white sugar. If you read the ingredients on the packages of food sold in grocery stores, plenty of them have added sugar as an ingredient; some in more than one form. And this is even in foods that don’t typically taste sweet on the tongue, especially foods like low fat salad dressings, cream substitutes, and many seasonings. In the case of low fat products, a lot of the time when fat is taken out, sugar is added in. We now know without a doubt that sugar in your food, is taking a devastating toll on the health of the United States (Mercola). In Lick the Sugar Habit, author Dr. Nancy Appleton lists 76 ways sugar can ruin your health. Among them are: * Suppression of your immune system * Can cause a significant rise in total cholesterol and triglycerides * Feeds cancer cells * Contributes to obesity * Can cause gallstones, appendicitis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins * Can cause headaches and depression Can cause an increase in blood pressure Dr. Joseph Mercola goes into these in more detail at his website – http://articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2010/04/20/sugar-dangers. as px, or you can read Dr. Appleton’s book for the whole story. So, what does this mean for the human population? First of all, evidence is suggesting that life expectancy is being reduced; not increasing, as i s commonly reported. One of the more frightening aspects of this is the fact that young people are included. In fact, this generation of children is the first that are not expected to live as long a lifespan as their parents. Degenerative diseases are on the rise, represented by an increase in the body’s inability to cope with modern environmental challenges. Heart disease, cancers, arthritis, obesity, and diabetes are increasing significantly (Draper). Veterinarians know that grass or feed fed to animals needs to have sufficient nutrients or the animals will get sick. Many people are adamant about not giving their pets things that are bad for them, and yet popular opinion is that it’s okay to give our children a â€Å"treat† once in awhile. It would not be a problem if it truly was only â€Å"once in a while. The trouble is that children eat these things on a daily basis. What is the solution? Is there a solution? Of course there is. It will take awhile for things to turn around, but it can be done. We need to start by fortifying our processed food with additional nutrients in a form that is as close to food-state as possible. Processed foods make up approx 70% of the diet, and so w ould be the most effective way to get good nutrition to people at the present time. We would also need to: * Increase consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits (5-7 pieces per day). Gather more information on mineral contents of soil. *Create a sound nutritional base for well-being, regardless of current state of health. * Reduce consumption of processed foods. * Reduce stimulants: i. e. coffee, tea, colas, sugar drinks, energy drinks, etc. * Drink more water. Try to filter if possible. * Take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement, along with Omega 3 oils. * Many people would also benefit from extra Selenium and Vitamin C on a regular basis. *Get more physical activity on a daily basis (Draper). * Choose organic if you can afford it less pesticides and better tasting. Eat less sugar. * Forego fast food. For the long term, we need to improve our soil, so that it is possible to grow high nutritional status food. This could take up to 30 years, including research to identify the best way to accomplish this (Draper). In my opinion, one of the biggest changes we n eed to make is to greatly reduce the amount of sugar in our diet. If you could only do one thing, that would be the thing to do. Pesticides and lack of physical activity is most definitely not a good way to build health, but our systems are on sugar overload due to the saturation of sugar in our processed food. We could be taking care of two problems at once just by eating processed food less often. It all boils down to what we want out of life. When we are still young and healthy, it’s easy to think that this kind of thing will never touch us. But, do you really want to subtract years from your life in addition to spending your golden years in ill health? The way I see it, it doesn’t take much to live and eat healthier. One or two changes at a time can and will make a big difference. Your life may depend on it. Association, Organic Consumers. Mental Health Linked to Changes in Diet. 16 January 2006. Web. 6 March 2010. Center for Science in the Public Interest. 2009. Web. 18 April 2010. Claridge, CL, et al. Slow Movement. com. 2010. Web. 6 March 2010. Dolson, Laura. Are the Schools Feeding Kids Too Much Junk? 22 September 2004. Web. 13 April 2010 Food Additives Whats Safe? 14 February 2005. Web. 18 April 2010. Draper, Dr. Mark. How the Diet Has Changed Over 70 Years. June 2001. Web. 30 March 2010 Hicks, Betsy. Developmental Delay Resources. 23 February 2009. Web. 6 March 2010 Pollan, Michael. In Defense of Food. New York: The Penguin Press, 2008. Print. TLC Cooking. 2009. Web. 18 April 2010.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Women and Resistance in Los Angeles essays

Women and Resistance in Los Angeles essays For many years, women across the world have been treated differently. Despite, the long vigorous fight that women had to endure, to reach equality. Women are still treated different, especially women of color. Yet, this did not stop the courageous women of East Los Angeles when they decided to fight for what they believed to be right. The courageous fight that these Latina women took began in the mid 1980s. When the state of California decided to make some alterations in Los Angeles. These Latina women were sitting in church service at Resurrection Church when they heard the horrendous news. The state proposed building a one hundred million prison across the Los Angeles River from Boyle Heights (Gold 8 ). When these women heard what the state of California had proposed, they were livid. The first thing they could think of, was what example would this set for their children. Aside from the state of California wanting to dump a prison in middle of the community of East Los Angeles, various families had lost their homes in East Los Angeles. The cause of various families losing their homes occurred because the State of California decided to incorporate constructions of freeways through these individuals homes. Once the women heard the disturbing news, they decided to take initiative to put a halt to this issue. On one Sunday, they collected nine hundred signatures from church members opposing the proposal (Gold 8). Their first plan was to seek and gain help from various to individuals within their community, so that they could obtain as much support as possible. After continuously seeking help from individuals within their community, they meet weekly to study the various issues at hand. From that point, the Latina women involved various individuals within the community, as well city officials of Los Angeles. The Latina women become so involved in this issue that the State of California was try...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Roman Mythology Essays - Religion, Greek Mythology, Mythology

Greek/Roman Mythology Essays - Religion, Greek Mythology, Mythology Greek/Roman Mythology Parallelisms Between Greek and Roman Mythology Greek and Roman mythology have many similarities between them. Each type has there own set of Gods and Goddesses, although they were worshiped for similar reasons. The following will explain each God or Goddess and explain how they compare to each other. The King of Gods in Greek Mythology is known as Zeus. Zeus was the ruler of the sky, and had the power to create thunderstorms and lightning as well as earthquakes. He was the child of Cronus and Rhea. As the story goes he was their sixth child, and the father to protect him from being overthrown had eaten the five previous children. Zeus was taken to a city called Crete and hidden from his father. As Zeus grew older and learned of what happened he found a potion to make his father regurgitate the other children. Once this happened they all teamed up and killed their father. Zeus then became the ruler of Mount Olympus, and head of the new line of Gods. Jupiter was the predominant power holder of Roman Gods. He was ruler of the sky, the daylight, all the weather, and even the thunder and lightening. Jupiter helped drive back the Sabines. His temple was built in the Capitol, and newly elected counsels offered their first prayers to him. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, and the High Goddess of the Greeks. She was extremely jealous of the affairs that her husband was having and often tormented or harmed the mistresses he was fooling around with. Although, when she went too far, or tried to cause death, Zeus would intervene and stop her. Hera tried to ship wreak Heracles on his return from Troy, and with that Zeus had her hung by the wrists from top of the mountain with an anvil tied to each ankle. The two had four children together. Juno, Heras counterpart, was the wife of Jupiter. Juno was the protector of women, especially those who are married. Women often gave offerings to Juno to help with their childbirth. The God of the Underworld, Hades, was the brother of Zeus. He gained Hell, as his share in conquering their father. He is most known for kidnapping his wife, Persephone, while she was picking flowers in a field. As the story goes, Hades had her eat a piece of food in the Underworld, therefore she could not live on the Earth again. Her father, Zeus, made arrangements for her to be allowed on Earth for two-thirds of the year and in the Underworld as Hades wife for the rest of the time. This is used as the cause of spring and winter. When she returns to the surface she brings spring with her and when she returns to the Underworld she leaves winter behind her. Pluto, the Roman God of the Underworld, whos name also means rich. It reflects the rich mineral

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nutritional Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional Advice - Essay Example BMI cannot be used for people with a high percentage of muscle mass. This implies that in order to stay healthy, the athlete can increase his or her weight above the normal BMI range provided that the mass that is gained come mostly from muscle gain instead of fat. Given all these, it can be easily deduced that the principle behind the athlete's nutrition program would be to prevent muscle wasting from intensive cardiovascular physical activity by providing energy sources that would spare the muscles, the body's protein from being utilized for energy; and to provide just enough energy for the body to build muscles without gaining much fat. Such is not as easy as it sounds. In order to be successful in gaining muscles, all the three energy sources must be critically controlled: Carbohydrate intake must be controlled only to the extent that all can be utilized for energy and not converted to fat; protein intake must only be limited to the needs of the body to prevent fat synthesis as well as body system complications that might arise (e.g. kidney failure); fat intake must be limited only to the needs of the body but not so much as to affect its other functions such as the synthesis of other body components (e.g. cholesterol and hormones) and the solution of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K (Whitney, Cataldo, et. al. 92-196).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Is there any relation between change of auditors and the client's Dissertation

Is there any relation between change of auditors and the client's stock price - Dissertation Example As the performances and financial transactions of a company have direct effect on the stock prices, hence choice of auditors is considered as an essential factor for every business. Depending on the individual needs and the performances of both the business and the audit team, change in auditors is also performed by several businesses, which in turn has either a positive or negative effect on the stock prices. This particular research has been focused on understanding the relation that change in auditors has with stock prices of a company. And, it could be obtained from this particular study that agency theory can be well associated with the employment of auditor agencies and that the change in auditors has a direct relation with the prices of stocks. 1. ... ry researchers on role of auditors, the relation between change in auditors and stock prices of client companies, and the positive and negative impacts of share prices on change in auditors. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been collected and analyzed to determine the reasons for change in auditors. Stock prices of client companies and characteristics of the firms significantly determine the relationship of the companies with their auditor firms. Different business organizations having different characteristics and processes in their businesses result in varying demands for the quality of audits. This is particularly in association with external auditors that perform an audit over the companies. Some of the common determinants of business firms for choosing the quality of auditors include their membership in the finance sector, leverage, size, profitability and their market-to-book ratio. Thus the choice of auditors by an organization is related to the above mentioned fact ors (Aksu, Onder and Saatcioglu 2007). The role of auditors takes place in a business environment that is highly regulated. Both the audit firms and the individual auditors have certain independent requirements along with ethical fulfillment that they need to encounter and follow (Great Britain 2011). Quality auditing is what is expected by every business organization and hence the choice and selection of quality audits is considered as essential for business firms. Specific skills are essential for quality audit works to be performed by auditors. This includes personal talents of the auditors, dedicated training, and wide range of experiences. It is often considered as similar to police work and based on the audit, a company’s performance in terms of financial dealings and achievements

Week 11 Exercise Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 11 Exercise - Coursework Example 3. Location J is the Rua Manuel Viera de Sousa, 81 in Mooca district, in Sao Paulo city. The region is the fastest growing and developing area in the city and has a population estimate of 65, 000 people. Among these people in Mooca district, two out of every three are Italians, who moved to the area in the 1900’s to offer labour to the industries in the area. Sao Paulo city has a total population of 11, 316, 149 people. The city is the most populated city in both Brazil and South America. It is a city with the most diverse ethnic groups, consisting of Whites, Asians, Blacks, Brown (mixed people) and the Amerindian people (CIA World Fact Book 1). 4. Location E shows a sparsely and less populated area within Brazil, depicting the unevenness of the population distribution in the country. The primary factors contributing to the uneven distribution of people in the area is the high rural to urban migration that has resulted to high populations in the cities and he unfavourable climatic conditions. Most people have been moving to cities to look for employment and better living standards. As a result, the rural areas have been left without people. Most rural parts of Brazil experience high temperatures that go beyond 25Â °C. This causes frequent droughts, which have attributed to the migration of people to other regions in search of better living standards (CIA World Fact Book 1). 6. The feature shown by location C is Machu Picchu. It was built by the Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the ninth emperor of the Inca in the 1400’s. Machu Picchu is an important tourist attraction site in Peru and among the most famous destinations in the world. It is a significant heritage site in the world and is full of cultural significance. It sits at 2, 430 meters above sea level (CIA World Fact Book 1). 8. Location H is a copper mine. Copper accounts for 33% of the country’s (Chile) exports. In 2010, Chile exported copper worth $6

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict - Essay Example Some used avoidance while others used competition in conflict resolution. Still others use an accommodation, compromising or collaborating conflict resolution styles. The latter was sociologically effective in eliciting a win-win resolution to situation. A non-assertive collaborator is a silent onlooker of the conflict situation and whose decision can be swayed and be taken advantaged with such helplessness. The person could be influenced to various demands and requests thoughtlessly. Roger (2008) pointed that non-assertive collaborator allow other people to decide for his fate, direction and outcome of living. Roger (2008) explicated that such personality can be depicted as emotionally dishonest, ambivalent, thrives in denial and hindered by inhibitions. In conflict situation, non-assertive collaborator could be easily offended, nervous, and sometimes confused with one’s decision. He could be critical too to the point of ambivalence. Non-assertive person’s gestures are illustrated with shyness or inability to establish eye contacts whenever communicating or there is obvious hesitancy to commit and assume responsibilities or obligations (Roger, 2008). The person is uncertain of his participation in this collaboration, although there is certain level of emotional satisfaction in his involvement in conflict situation management. Depending on the depth of the knowledge and skills of the collaborator, the non-assertive character could susceptibly be understood as a person who weighs issues without aggression and attempts to deal with situation in a calmer and patient management. However, as conflict management requires intellectual impartiality in dealing with conflict situation, decisions require that all accounts of the situations and issues are weighed well to achieve a certain level of justness in the decision-makings (Armstrong, 2004). While hoping to achieve better solution to

Project Censored Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Censored - Essay Example This follows the calls for the respect of human rights and human dignity in the democratic space that U.S dominates. Indeed, U.S being the most democratic nation in the world should ensure that there are no cases of sexual assault in the military and in the society. News of sexual assault of U.S military women is unique since it defines unethical behavior among the disciplined forces, which contravenes the code of conduct for such officers. More so, the story is unique in that there are very few reported cases of sexual assault in the U.S military. With the information presented in the story one can be able to view the democratic levels in U.S based on this context, understand the place of women in the democratic society, and derive the correct measures to avert such a scenario. Furthermore, this information will help us to understand the public health issues, sexuality in men and women, and the extreme violence in women. The story will equip us with knowledge on the dynamics of sexu al assault in the military and how more victims are finding confidence in reporting sexual assault cases. Such information will derive knowledge on what motivates victims to report any sexual assault. Notably, upon reporting, victims can lay claims for health effects that may emanate from such sexual attacks. This story will help any victim and the society to understand the remedies for sexual assault in the US military. As such, the story is important as it defines sexuality in men and women and analyzes how victims can access justice and the relevant benefits upon suffering from sexual assault in the US military. It also shows how authorities discriminate women who report sexual assault with a view of accessing justice and getting the relevant claims. As such, we can establish that not having this information can affect citizens who live in a democratic society. Indeed, citizens without this information will not know the incidence and precedence of sexual assault in the US militar y (Chemaly 1) as a public health issue. The information depicts the level of increase in the number of reported sexual assault cases in the US military. Democratic citizens without this information will also lack enough knowledge on the causes for the increased numbers of reported sexual assault cases (McVeigh 1). This will deny such citizens a chance to devise mechanisms geared towards reducing cases of sexual assault and increase incidences of reported sexual assault cases for purposes of taking the necessary measures. The democratic citizens will equally lack enough knowledge on where to report sexual assault cases in the US military. This jeopardizes the efforts aimed at reducing cases of sexual assault. Moreover, democratic citizens who lack this information will not understand the suffering of the victims and the claims of the advocates groups thus missing the gusto to fight against sexual assault against women in the US military. Furthermore, lack of this information will low er the citizen’s knowledge on the government’s initiatives geared towards encouraging victims to report assaults (Chemaly 1). Indeed, the information also depicts the efforts of the Congress, Senators, former military officers, and victims' groups in reducing cases of sexual assault in the US military (McVeigh 1). Lack of this information will also deny the democratic citizens a chance to know their human rights and benefits attached to the victims

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict - Essay Example Some used avoidance while others used competition in conflict resolution. Still others use an accommodation, compromising or collaborating conflict resolution styles. The latter was sociologically effective in eliciting a win-win resolution to situation. A non-assertive collaborator is a silent onlooker of the conflict situation and whose decision can be swayed and be taken advantaged with such helplessness. The person could be influenced to various demands and requests thoughtlessly. Roger (2008) pointed that non-assertive collaborator allow other people to decide for his fate, direction and outcome of living. Roger (2008) explicated that such personality can be depicted as emotionally dishonest, ambivalent, thrives in denial and hindered by inhibitions. In conflict situation, non-assertive collaborator could be easily offended, nervous, and sometimes confused with one’s decision. He could be critical too to the point of ambivalence. Non-assertive person’s gestures are illustrated with shyness or inability to establish eye contacts whenever communicating or there is obvious hesitancy to commit and assume responsibilities or obligations (Roger, 2008). The person is uncertain of his participation in this collaboration, although there is certain level of emotional satisfaction in his involvement in conflict situation management. Depending on the depth of the knowledge and skills of the collaborator, the non-assertive character could susceptibly be understood as a person who weighs issues without aggression and attempts to deal with situation in a calmer and patient management. However, as conflict management requires intellectual impartiality in dealing with conflict situation, decisions require that all accounts of the situations and issues are weighed well to achieve a certain level of justness in the decision-makings (Armstrong, 2004). While hoping to achieve better solution to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mobile Technology in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mobile Technology in Education - Research Paper Example This research paper will focus on the use of mobile technology in the region of United States, its acceptability as well as its pros and cons on the population of United States. Mobile devices or technology used in educational settings is regarded as instructional technology which is used to facilitate the process of learning and helping in the improvement of performance of students and educators (Reiser, 2012). Mobile technology is not only being used within the setting of classrooms, it is even being used outside the classrooms for learning and development. A study was conducted by Bangert in which the author identified that a total of 249 students at an American university named Montana State University were using Smartphone in order to continue learning outside their classrooms (Bangert, 2014). There are various mobile devices being used for learning and development by the students belonging to different fields in the United States. For example: students belonging to the field of medicine are using tablet computers which are a form of mobile devices and these devices have been quite useful in preclinical education (Robinson, 2013). There are various benefits that can be attained through the use of mobile technology in classrooms. These technologies help in making different educational processes effective and efficient. One of the major benefits of using mobile technologies in classroom is that it can assist in submission of work. A study was conducted by Lindquist in which the researcher identified various methods through which students could submit various forms of assignments and tasks with the use of a mobile phone (Lindquist, 2007). The researcher identified that students can submit answers in text based form to their teachers by text messaging the answers to the teachers. The researcher even identified that students can post or send picture based

Poem If Essay Example for Free

Poem If Essay Mr. Curran The poem If by Rudyard Kipling is a very interesting poem. The main idea of the poem is a father speaking to a son. We do not know who the father is or who the son is, but we know that is the relationship between the speaker and the person being spoken too. There is a lot of different interpretations that can be made about this poem also. Some people think that it is God speaking to Jesus, or God speaking to someone through prayer. I personally think that it is a very wise man speaking to his son while he is on his deathbed. There are also many literary devices used. Like connotation and denotation, the literal and the figurative meaning. When the poet writes certain lines I think of it as the literal meaning and then of the figurative meaning, and see what best fits the poem. The line Yours is the Earth is a good line to do this to. The literal meaning would be that the person has the whole Earth, like he owns it. The figurative meaning would be that the person has the whole world at his disposal; he can do whatever he wants and take the world by storm. It can also be another way of saying do not take anything for granite. There are many other lines that make me think this way too. If can be an outline for any person who wants to succeed in life and be a better man. The poem is basically saying that if you follow all of these things that are mentioned, then you will be a true and respected man. I believe that this is true because there are many life lessons inside the poem that are very true. Turn the other cheek is a common lesson that is mentioned in the poem and in real life. He also gives lessons like do not show your failure, get back up as if it never happened. This is the most important lesson to me, and if you can perfect it, then you will never show fear and you will be respected. You will become a better man. As I get older I learned these lessons more and more. If we can teach these attributes to younger children, then we will have a lot of better men in this world. We can’t always have what we want, and we shouldn’t take what we

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reasons for Divorce in the UAE

Reasons for Divorce in the UAE Abstract The aim behind conducting this research is to shed light on some of the major reasons of the divorce phenomenon in UAE, which is drastically soaring in rate. This writing attempts to explore ideas about the factors of divorce and its catalysts in the society. This research also provides a detailed description of such factors and presents the most common reasons that led to the emergence of the factors behind divorce. In general, this writing logically outlines the reasons that led to divorce. This research is still in progress; thus, this paper only serves as a blueprint to a final draft, which shall cover the issue in a more comprehensive approach and provide broader detail about the phenomena. Since time constraint delimits the researcher to obtain more information about the issue, only a partial coverage of the phenomenon is tackled in this research paper. The major issues tackled in the succeeding text as contributory to the escalating rate of divorce in the Emirates include early marriage, financial issues, culture/tradition, polygamy, and adultery. All of these reasons suggest poor marriage foundation which maybe due to a lack of understanding about the reality of married life and a lack of regard for the value of marriage. At the end of this research, an accurate picture of the social issue shall be presented in the conclusion. Possible solutions will also be recommended to curb the rising rate of divorce in the form of formal and informal education to create awareness about responsible decision-making on matters concerning marriage thru the use of various media whether thru print, radio, or the internet, and by reinforcing existing government initiatives to address this social issue. Introduction Since the primitive ages of mankind, couples have chosen to be either together or separated. Divorce is a legitimate separation process imposed by religion; however, sophistication of the human beings by means of different religious beliefs, education and experiences in life could not put an end to the obstacle of divorce. Furthermore, the common reasons of divorce are shared worldwide and have general characteristics. Whether the reasons rely on both/ or either of the spouses, divorce is a substance of causes and effects-chains that should be seriously taken into consideration. Unlike worldwide countries, the divorce rate in the U.A.E. is increasing for many different scenarios. In this paper, the major reasons of why married couples resort to breaking the bonds of marriage thru a divorce will be discussed in further detail. Additionally, this paper shall comprehensively tackle how such scenarios have contributed to the alarming rise of divorce rate in UAE. At the end of this resear ch, we shall be able to acquire a good picture of how serious is this social issue, and suggest ways on how the society and the government can effectively address this. As a country known to the world to uphold high morals and regard the sanctity of marriage with high valuation, it is but essential that social authorities look into this social issue and initiate actions to control the rising rate. The escalating rate of divorce in the country has been attributed to early marriage, financial issues, culture/tradition, polygamy, and adultery. Body of the Essay Early Marriage Early marriage is one of the main causes of divorce. According to one study, 13.5% of divorced women and 23.7% of divorced men married early (Nazzal, 2001). At the beginning, according to Jamal Al Bah, director of the Marriage Fund in the U.A.E, many marriage cases end up in divorce because couples lack experience regarding the problems they face when they start their new lives. For example, some couples think that marriage is as smooth as the previous life they used to live with their families where there were neither responsibilities nor obligations to assume. Nevertheless, marriage is an infinite chain of new and different duties that each and every new married couple should take into consideration before they step into it. Furthermore, because some couples do not have mature experience about marital life and spousal obligations, they will not be able to react properly or take proper decisions for different obstacles they face (Gessner, 2000). Dr. Fatma Sayegh, a professor at the UAE University in Al Ain who is specializing in womens issues, have the same stand. According to her, young people get into marriage without an understanding of its significance. This is the reason why these relationships dont last, especially when faced with the challenges of married life. Moreover, problems that face early marriages may be aggravated by the fact that the couple had not had much time to know each other well before getting married; thus compatibility issues arise which may result into misunderstandings between the couple thats difficult to resolve (Chilton, 2009). Second, many families force their daughters to marry men who are of an age that is very different to their own. For example, girls who are in their late teens or early twenties, get married to men who are in their forties or even older that causes a clash of thinking and other forms of problems. In other words, these girls are not mature enough to cope with the new difficulties of the spousal life. In shor t, girls in such situations are always victims of their families inappropriate choice to the right partner for them (Gessner, 2000). Apart from that compatibility problems may also arise primarily due to age gap and differences in interests, attitudes, beliefs, and values. Financial Problems Financial problems are another main cause for divorce. Firstly, it is widely known what precedes a marriage; its all about the expenditures made by grooms, which may lead to huge financial difficulties that would shortly threaten a couples life (Chilton, 2009). For instance, in order for the grooms to please their brides and make them enjoy their wedding day, they have to do many things. Furthermore, some grooms spend more than they can afford by taking huge loans from banks. Moreover, other families may ask for a dowry which is known in most cases among U.A.E nationals as a huge amount that a groom is required to pay for his bride. Although these expenses make newly-wed couples happy on their wedding day, they might contribute later on to ruining their life that has not started yet, a life in debt. Secondly, the rent sky rocketing constitutes a new factor that causes divorce. For example, according to Jasem Mekki, head of the Family Guidance Committee, studies revealed that the spou se couldnt afford the appropriate accommodation for his wife as the rents are soaring, and he added, â€Å"The problem affected the newly married couples more†. With such calamity, one wonders why the government has not so far taken the appropriate measures to curb the spread of the rent hikes within the country, knowing that the latter provokes serious social problems in the U.A.E community (Nazzal, 2009). Thirdly, an unsatisfactory salary tears some couples marital life. As a part of Mekkis work, â€Å"The income of young people does not give them the chance to get a house and start a family†. Recently, this becomes obvious with the increasing cost of living (Nazzal, 2009). Polygamy The diagram below shows the result of a study by the UAE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the most important reasons of divorce among Emirati couples. From the data, it can be inferred that it is often the man who initiates the divorce, and the most prevalent reason for this is polygamy or the desire to marry another woman (Hammad, 2003). Reasons of Divorce among UAE Couples In addition to the early marriage and the financial problems, polygamy is considered as a crucial motive for divorce. First of all, the inability of women to have children could be considered as a primary reason for polygamy. According to an article published in Islam Online in year 2006, twenty-three percent (23%) of women are deprived of having children. Although these women inability to have children is beyond their will (or in other words, it is their fate), their husbands blame it on them and take advantage of the situation to seek another partner who will be able to give them what the first one had deprived them of. Second, some women become victims of age as they grow older, so men tend to use that as an excuse to find another younger wife. Based on the same survey in the article mentioned above, thirty-one percent (31%) of divorces is due to the mans desire to marry another woman. Third, family duties negligence is a factor that leads to divorce as well. This, including overi ndulgence to alcohol, accounts for thirteen (13%) of responses for divorce reasons. In other words, a man might fail to fulfill his duties as a husband or a father by staying out late, missing family functions, or not being there for his wife or kids needs. This means the wife has to compensate and carries out the fathers responsibilities as well. This increase in responsibility overburdens her and eventually makes her unwillingly neglecting her duties as a wife. In many cases this is an adequate reason for the man to go and marry again. Thus, such study concluded that in most cases, it is the man that most likely initiates the divorce (Hammad, 2003). Cultural/Traditional Habits Cultural/Traditional habits are another major cause of elevated divorce rates in the UAE. First, fixed marriages might have influenced the rate of divorced nationals. For instance, many couples go into marriage just to fulfill their families desires, and they get failed expectations or unmet needs (Gessner, 2000). Second, Middle Eastern male sexism and women liberation are a huge factor in the chain of divorce. Women fight to be financially independent clashed with men rejection of allowing their wives working in an atmosphere that will put them in contact with other men. This is because men prefer them to stay home to look after their children. Women see that as a sexist act that is discriminating against them and violating their right of equalization. Dr. Hassan Ismael Obaid, social advisor to the UAE marriage fund stated that the changing attitudes of many national women had also played a big role in the rising divorce rates. They were resisting the social structures that rendered them faceless and voiceless, and bound them socially and financially to male relative (Gessner, 2000). Third, sometimes family interference is another factor that leads couples to divorce. A recent study on divorce conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs stressed in many cases couples were divorced after they chose to share accommodation with their families. According to this study, thirty-four percent (34%) of divorced women have lived with their spouses families and around eight percent of divorced men have lived with their wives families (Nazzal, 2001). Such a setup contributes to making the situation between the young spouses worse. For instance, some couples who get married might have small misunderstandings between each other, and because they are sharing their accommodation usually with either family, they get to seek advice by involving them in every misunderstanding they face whether shallow or serious. Such interference could sometimes make matters worse bet ween the spouses instead of simplifying them. Ultimately, this can automatically cause divorce for a couple. Adultery Last but not least, adultery is one of the worst ways of causing divorce. This happens when one of the spouses in a marriage has an affair and been unfaithful to the other. In the beginning, â€Å"Islam views adultery as a violation of a marital contract and one of the major sins†; yet in this day and age, many of married Moslems are in lack of the religious factor, which comes between them and between committing the act of infidelity (Adultery). Second, there is the blind negative imitation of foreigners via exposure to all types of media whether it is TV, magazine and internet. This influences the community to adapt to new behavior patterns of openness that contradicts with the native culture (Gessner, 2000). Moreover, this blind imitation made many members of the society see adultery as a normal thing to do, a conduct that is overlooked, forgivable, and not a taboo as long as it remained an unmentioned little secret. Third, the psychological effect on the behavior and perso nality is a reason among the others. For example, it is said that the way a person is raised as a child plus the way he/she was treated, shapes his/her personality. In addition, how a person interacts with the community is traced back to his/her early stages of development, so some couples face problems with trust and honesty that cause marital difficulties. Yet, instead of working on them, they go on and have affairs on the side to seek attention and satisfaction. â€Å"The way couples are brought up affects their ability to face the reality were raised during childhood, when they were prevented from expressing themselves freely and clearly, is considered one of the reasons for the increasing divorce rate† (Survey reveals 46pc divorce rate in UAE, 2005). The brining up system therefore affects the couples ability to face and deal with the reality later on their lives. Conclusion In conclusion, the divorce rate in the United Arab Emirates is soaring due to diverse reasons. Although, there is no official statistics on how rampant divorce cases are in the country, it is estimated that one in three Emirati couples end up in divorce (UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate, 2009). Primarily, most cases of divorce are due to improper reason for the decision to get tied up in marriage such as what happens in early marriages and arranged marriages as dictated by culture and tradition. Such marriages have shown to have poor foundation, which is why it is not lasting and thus forcing both parties to culminate the marriage bond thru a divorce. And because of compatibility issues and poor bond, these couples find it difficult to bring the relationship across tides that maybe normally encountered by married couples like financial problems. Other reasons which also account a large percentage of the reasons why couples in UAE end up in divorce are rooted on morality. One author of The Emirates Economist commented that with the currently soaring rate of divorce in UAE, the United States is far from being morally inferior to UAE in such terms (Chilton, 2008). This assertion can be more justified with the fact that polygamy and adultery are among the major reasons why UAE couples end up breaking bonds of marriage. The community structure and culture provides an appropriate environment that fosters the tremendous spread of this phenomenon. A solution might not be easily obtained but, with proper formal and informal education combined and further religious-based awareness thru the use of various media among the new generation, eventually such phenomenon would significantly be reduced. It is suggested that education about marriage be started early on and integrated with formal sex education courses in schools. This is potentially beneficial especially among our youth to create an awareness of the reality of marriage life in their young minds and prepare t hem to make wiser decisions for their future. Such awareness may not only be taught in schools; the vast array of media tools that modern technology has created may be utilized to spread information about the right motivation for marriage. Other than that, the television, audio media, newspapers, and the internet maybe utilized by authorities to promote and reinforce good values and morals about the sanctity of marriage among the Emiratis especially the younger generation. Currently, there is a government drive to curb the rising rate of divorce among Emirate couples and such is directed among the youth. A council was created which will look into new trends and the youths attitudes towards marriage. This nationwide survey will be conducted by the UAE Ministry of Social Affairs (UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate, 2009). Moreover, government initiatives such as monitoring divorce rates, tax incentives for couples and their children, conduct of mass discussion about the negative effects of divorce thru awareness campaigns, and founding social leagues to save families and settle disputes may also curb the rising rate of divorce (UAE has one of the highest divorce rates in the Middle East, 2009). Apart from these moves, one cause of why UAE couples find it easy to resort to divorce is its cheap cost; thus, the government and authorities might as well consider increasing its cost for the benefit of making Emiratis more responsible in deciding regarding marriage matters. The rising rate of divorce in the UAE society must be a cause of concern for the government and the Emirates society as a whole. Steps to curb its rise must be seriously initiated. After all, marriage is a serious social matter; it is not like chewing gum that one can just simply spit when it loses taste. And as a nation that upholds a reputation of high morals, we dont want to be known as a country of broken homes. References Adultery. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 31, 2009, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: Chilton, J. (2008, Mar 24). Divorce. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from The Emirates Economist: Economic Analysis of Events in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf: Chilton, J. (2009, Jan 26). Divorce: UAE Style. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from The Emirates Economist: Economic Analysis of Events in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf: Gessner, L. (2000, Mar 17). Marriage and the challenge of modern development. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Hammad, R. (2003, May 15). Divorce Costs UAE $220 Million Annually. Retrieved Dec 2009, 31, from Nazzal, N. (2001, Sept 02). Early marriage likely cause of divorce-study. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Nazzal, N. (2009, May 03). Soaring rents spawn marital discord in RAK. Retrieved Jan 04, 2010, from Survey reveals 46pc divorce rate in UAE. (2005, Sept 16). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Khaleej Times Online: §ion=theuaecol. UAE has one of the highest divorce rates in the Middle East. (2009 Mar 19). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Fudzail: UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate. (2009, Dec 31). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Maktoob News:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Identities of Joseph and Esther from the Old Testament Essay

The Identities of Joseph and Esther from the Old Testament The Bible is full of common themes, yet there one prominent underlying thread that runs constant throughout is that in order to be influential, people are placed in positions where they are able to assimilate to the common culture, but are still set apart from other ordinary people. Assimilation is defined as the process where a group adopts the customs of the prevailing culture, whereas consecration refers to someone who is set apart as sacred. Due to the apparently conflicting definitions, it seems as though the two cannot coexist with one another. In fact, they even appear to be paradoxical, however, both ingredients are necessary in order for people to influence the lives of many more. Conformity in culture and divine consecration are in reality exclusively dependent on each other for a person to be influential and this is displayed by two prime examples of the Old Testament: Joseph and Esther. After Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt and is introduced to its culture, he loses his Jewish identity and becomes completely transformed from a measly shepherd boy to an Egyptian official. When Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream, the Pharaoh is pleased with him and Joseph is given a new name: â€Å"Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-paneah; and he gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, as his wife. Thus Joseph gained authority over the land of Egypt† (Genesis 41.45). The fact that he is given a new forename has much significance because it implies his life’s specific calling. The people are given new names in the Bible because in this way, God reveals his intended purpose for their lives. Prior to the story of Joseph, this same alteration of nam... ...s, Esther’s destiny is disclosed by the words of her relative. The unique identity that both Joseph and Esther have is that they live amongst society, yet are not of it due to their given destiny. There were living contradictions that God chooses to use in a significant way. This principle that they lived out is so important, that it is even echoed in the New Testament with the teachings of Jesus. Centuries following the life of Joseph and Esther, this principle continues to resonate as Jesus commands: â€Å"Do not be conformed to this world†¦ (Romans 12:2). You do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world† (John 15.19). Demonstrating these commands in their lives, it is unmistakable that Joseph and Esther would not have been the influential people that they became, if they had failed to possess either of the two qualities mentioned.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sex as a Means of Agency Essay -- Aristophanes Female Women Essays

Sex as a Means of Agency â€Å"A woman’s harder to conquer than any beast, than fire, and no panther is quite so ferocious.† (Aristophanes 1058) Life for an Athenian woman was marked by her daily occupation to the household and its occupants. This was the sphere of life where she was able to exert the most power and maintain a certain degree of agency. Her domestic duties included attendance to her husband, and his sexual needs. In the comic portrayal of women in Lysistrata, Aristophanes exploits this domestic power to create a scenario where â€Å"the harsh and intractable realities of life, politics and international aggression are transformed so that wives manage to overcome husbands, love conquers war, insignificant citizens manage to discredit powerful ones† (Henderson 36). Aristophanes manipulates the Athenian reality by operating on common stereotypes of women, adding to the comic element but also highlighting the gaping gender division that existed in everyday life. In this comic utopian ideal, women are able to overcome their lack of agency in the public sphere by juxtaposing their domestic (primarily sex ual) power with the general polis. It is important to note that in ancient literary portrayals of women, men depict women according to their perceptions and the common social stereotypes. Although this may, in some cases, create a certain amount of discrepancy between the depiction of women and their actual life, it can still be a beneficial tool to understand their attitudes and struggles. As Henderson writes, â€Å"†¦even by itself the male view is interesting: it enables us to study the rules and roles that men created for women and to glimpse the desires and fears that prompted their enforcement† (20). In Atheni... ...ikely that one of women’s foremost complaints would be their invisibility in the public sphere. Therefore, although this comedic piece is clearly an exaggeration of reality, it is a useful tool in understanding the lives of women in the Athenian period. Aristophanes mirrors and manipulates Athenian reality as he portrays women and men through the comedic lens. In the case of Lysistrata, he incorporates common stereotypes and current institutions of power into a plot that not only puts women in a position of power, but also delineates them as the protagonists in forming a well-functioning polis. As this reflects the women’s role in maintaining a respectable household, he manifests their domestic agency on a higher level as a collective â€Å"mothering† of Athenian society where the entire polis is analogous to a household managed by competent and sensible women.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Christian life Essay

Father Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) presents a deeply spiritual and insight book with Reach Out. He presents a Christian approach to living with a systematic form of spiritual life, occurring in three defined steps; loneliness to solitude; hostility to hospitality; and illusion to prayer. Through each step Nouwen encourages a person to question themselves, and to seek an â€Å"ascent† to a higher way of being that achieves unity with God. His presentation of his message however is not an attempt to â€Å"bible bash† the reader, rather he uses the Bible as a filter to draw analogies to his interpretation of a meaningful life. Nouwen’s defined categories distinguishes the stages of the journey of Christian life as he sees it, basically reaching out to; the innermost self, to the rest of humankind; and to God. In itself the book is a beautiful rendition of a way of living that focuses on humankind as a community, and as sharing in their experiences of emotional states. It provides the reader with practical methods to apply change to their lifestyle that will cultivate a greater sense of peace and contentment. The phrasing and choice of words in titles and headings has been carefully considered and in themselves transports the reader to a place of reflection and prayer. The strength of Nouwen’s book is his ability to question his own values, decision-making and actions. He has gone to places of hardship in his experiences of loneliness, hostility and illusion and returned with treasures to share. Nouwen uses the movement between emotional states to provide a systematic process for the living the Christian life, which completes modern day values of systems thought, and critical analysis. However, the writer presents his material also in a highly capitalistic manner, in that emotional states are basically divided into two distinct forms: positive (winning) and negative (losing) and ignores the possibility that each state may not actually be so absolute; a milestone on the continuum of what it is to be human. The dichotomy he sets up may in itself be the cause of internal conflict for people, as Western societies value distinct black and white boxes in which to place information; Nouwen maintains this cultural value in his differentiation of distinct categories, and the application of a model of â€Å"ascent† for emotional states. The book is richly spiritual and helpful in learning to cope with loneliness, anger and misperceptions, and Nouwen’s voice tends to be presented as one of experience, that has gone to the depths of each of these states. His approach implies that all people feel loneliness, illusion or hostility and that â€Å"you like to stay away from†. The Bible describes many experiences of Jesus, prophets and other of the Lord’s people being tested, polished like jewels, or smelted like pure gold and other metals. The message is that if we are not prepared to undergo hardship how can we expect to lose ourselves of that which is not important? Nouwen encourages the reader to cultivate their faith and sense of hope by allowing ourselves to experience a forward movement into a more spiritual and subsequently balanced life. 2. Concrete Responses A Suffocating Loneliness is the title of Chapter One and for me came across as quite visceral terminology. It conjured up feelings of confinement that implies that Nouwen has really been there himself. I imagined the soul suffocating, unable to breathe, speak, communicate, or reach out because it was focused solely on survival. The title made me think about what it is to be alone and to have something happening to you beyond your control; a life threatening experience. Another heading, Between Competition and Togetherness, cam across to me as being very Zen, as the juxtaposition of words threw my mind off its track trying to hold an image of both concepts at once. Not unlike those silhouette pictures of the vase which is a face, or is it the other way around! The phrase further implies that there is a point between the two which each of us are at; though this point is unlikely to be static-given the human experience and we are dynamic beings. Nouwen encourages the reader to find a point of balance between these two concepts, and in my minds eye I saw a see-saw and a set of scales, and wondered to myself whereabouts on the continuum I was today (N. B. , near the competitive edge as I have a game of bingo in an hour). I believe I noticed these words because I have chosen the spiritual life for myself, and live my life to cultivate a sense of personal control as well as acceptance for that which I cannot change, as well as harmony and balance. Like Job and Jonah I let myself be smitten or swallowed by the beast when I perceive it to be the time in my life cycle to let go, fall apart, draw away from others, and to suffer hardship. Like these two men I come through stronger and wiser about myself, my place in this world, and with a deeper meaning of what is important – to keep on going, never give up on one, and to be there for others. I am also a writer and sometime poet and delight in the juxtaposition of words and the images that they provide which take me to places within myself that may have ever undiscovered. And the use of words in new ways helps me to see the world from another perspective, which is always a discovery. 2. Concrete responses A Suffocating Loneliness is the title of Chapter One and for me came across as quite visceral terminology. It conjured up feelings of a time for me when I felt confined by my problems and unable to reach out for concrete help from others – no one seemed to understand where I was, what I was trying to communicate to them. I imagined at the time my soul suffocating, unable to breathe, speak, communicate, or reach out because it was focused solely on survival. The title made me think about those times when I have felt absolutely alone and separated from all others, and that life was completely beyond your control; a life threatening experience. The juxtaposition of words in the chapter heading threw my mind off its track trying to hold an image of both concepts at once. I believe I noticed these words because I have chosen the spiritual life for myself and live my life to cultivate a sense of personal control as well as acceptance for that which I cannot change. Like Job and Jonah I let myself be smitten or swallowed by the beast when I perceive it to be the time in my life cycle to let go, fall apart, draw away from others, and to suffer hardship. Like these two men I come through stronger and wiser about myself, my place in this world, and with a deeper meaning of what’s important – to keep on going, never give up on one, and to be there for others. I have in the past drawn on Bible accounts of suffering and grief to understand the experiences of difficulty I have (do) have. The phrasing of many of the Biblical passages, such as those in Proverbs, are easy to â€Å"write upon one’s heart† and Nouwen’s voice has a similar effect in his blending and weaving of words and phrases. 3. Reflection I wonder why the author portrays loneliness as a negative and unwanted state, particularly as he is a Christian. Many verses in the Bible, in fact the whole book of Job, contends that pain such as that felt in loneliness is necessary to â€Å"remove the dross† form a person’s soul. Going into the crucible of fire, such as the suffering of loneliness may cultivate, is a way that many mystics, monks, prophets and medicine women and men claim is the path to become more the person that â€Å"God†/we want us to be. Loneliness is an emotion, and so by virtue of the Christian teachings that emotion is also God, as our emotions are the flux of hormones, neurotransmitters and bioelectric currents, tangible substances which omnipotent God intrinsically exists within; God is everywhere at once. Also, God created all, so all emotions can be sourced from God; humans are made in his image, suggesting that God has knowledge of what loneliness is. It perplexes me that a state of loneliness is seen by Father Nouwen as the â€Å"bottom rung† in his ascent model; John the Baptist lived in the desert and has been often described as experiencing intense loneliness; Jesus spent 40 days and nights alone in the desert; Moses was alone with his â€Å"crazy† dream of the chosen people, and Mary mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene suffered deep loneliness many times during their lives. 4. Action I will facilitate a counselee to find more functional ways to experience loneliness and to keep on going and not give up on themselves or humankind. I will also encourage them to consider the concept of living a more spiritual life and achieving a union with God; for me God is the unity of all things (omega and beta) so that I am never truly alone as all is from God and in God. So that loneliness for me is a temporary state when one forgets that we are all interconnected. Alternatively, Nouwen approaches loneliness, hostility and illusion as purely negative states and provides of all things an â€Å"evolutionary† model to explain â€Å"developing from† each state to another state. Firstly, I do not agree with this form of development as it certainly implies ascent from a lesser (primitive) quality to a higher (civilized) quality. Instead I would encourage the counselee to embrace their diversity and variability in experiencing their emotions. Movement away from a particular emotion is illusory, as our emotions are a continuum like a circle or a ring; we can move to another state but all are parallel, none higher or lower than others. I intend to start a reflective journal of my values, interpretations, decision-making and actions to learn more about myself, and to find the balance across my emotional states.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Influences of health care delivery

Describe one factor which influences wellness attention bringing in the UK Team working It is of import to look at how team working be improved in order to continually better the criterion of attention given to the patient. Sometimes team members will work good together but sometimes tensenesss can develop between different professionals looking after a patient. There are some state of affairss where a squad attack works better than an single one ( Pickering and Thompson, 2003 ) for case where a mixture of accomplishments is required and it can besides forestall fight where the latter may be damaging to the overall service of attention. For squad work to be effectual there must be equal administration. There can be two facets of the success of squad working, foremost how good the external aim is achieved and secondly the internal mechanics of the group embracing how good the single group members work together ( Pickering and Thompson, 2003 ) . Pickering and Thomson ( 2003 ) have summarised some of the factors which help a squad to work good and besides those factors which can adversely impact its public presentation. In the former class are ;The undertaking is focussedEveryone participates in a relaxed ambianceCommunicationConsensus determinationsAppropriate feedback and ego ratingActions clearly assigned to team membersLeadershipThingss adversely impacting squad work include the followers ;Poor communicatingMembers fostering their ain terminalsLack of leadingNo apprehension of functionsThere is inherently the possibility for a grade of struggle between professionals who are at different degrees of experience within their forte. NICE overcomes, at least the theoretical constituent of, this by doing mention to â€Å"health professionals† instead than depicting them as belong to any one peculiar group. Another disadvantage of a squad construction can be people merely go oning to work as persons, nevertheless â€Å"wo rking â€Å" together † instead than working â€Å" aboard † can excite people and consequence in new ways of undertaking old problems.† ( Davies, 2000 ) . Collaboration with other squad members is most effectual when the squad members recognise each other’s differences and besides readily accept that each member’s position from their ain professional point of view, is merely every bit valid as those of the other members. The differences through can make tensenesss. When the squad is set up single members need to hold assurance in the other squad members. There does, nevertheless necessitate to be some regulations so that certain members do non over shadow the others who need still to be heard. Troubles can originate in big squads. In some multidisciplinary squads the squad members may non all be clearly demarcated. There may be considerable convergence of functions. To assist get the better of this it is of import that the overall aim is clear to all involved and that each individual is cognizant of the duties of the other members in order to avoid duplicates and skips. Team undertakings may alter and the squad needs to be antiphonal to this with an effectual agencies of accommodating its work and even altering its members. Overwhelmingly the most of import facet of squad working is communicating and this is so in all facets of squad working. Critically measure how this influences the proviso of quality wellness attention in regard of the client ‘s professional pattern Team working has an influence on the professional pattern of chiropody in a figure of ways. Podiatry services are frequently provided as portion of a multidisciplinary squad, possibly no-where is this more evident than the podiatric attention given to people with diabetes. For this ground this subject will be analysed in greater item to analyze the of import facets of squad working. At the phase of puting up or modifying a podiatric service the chiropodist is involved as portion of a squad measuring future alterations, make up one's minding on way of alteration and puting up execution. Chiropodists as a squad will hold different countries of involvement within chiropody. For case some may hold an involvement and particular accomplishment in pediatric chiropody, others in general work, others in forensic facets. The manner they work good as a squad will act upon patient result and interaction with other services e.g. the tribunals. Another of import facet of the squad attack is the pa tient being involved as a squad member, once more peculiarly of import in diabetics. Here the chiropodist has a function in patient instruction. The different types of squad working outlined above require different accomplishments of the chiropodist. For case in the multidisciplinary squad of import qualities are a regard for others ways of working and understanding, giving and having feedback. When puting up a service leading qualities, assertiveness and coaction are of import. Multidisciplinary squad Diabetess is a peculiarly of import status for the chiropodist. It has important prevalence with high hazard of terrible wellness effects. Diabetes mellitus affects 1-2 % of the population and half of all lower limb amputations are done because of diabetic complications ( Lorimer, 2002 ) . The chiropodist has an of import function in bar of complications of the diabetic pes since 15 % of diabetic people have a pes ulcer and most leg amputations are preceded by ulceration ( Lorimer, 2002 ) . Diabetess is a multisystem upset and there is hence a demand for close affair between the different squad members who may consist ;ChiropodistDiabetologistSpecialist nurseVascular and orthopedic sawbonessOphthalmologistIn add-on the patient’s attention is frequently shared with their general practician. There are interacting pathological procedures ensuing from the effects of diabetes which contribute to the pes jobs ;Vascular coronary artery disease and little vas disease cut down blood supplyReduced blood O transporting capacityReduced opposition to infection and hapless lesion healingNeurological abnormalcies impede esthesis ; pain no longer protects against hurtPoor vision impedes the diabetic person in inspecting their pess and their manual sleight for cutting their nailsNephritic damage predisposes to oedema which compounds many of the jobs already discussed.In working as a portion of the multidisciplinary squad within diabetic attention there is a really clear undertaking focal point, which is so of import for the effectual operation of a squad attack. The St Vincent’s Declaration has the clearly defined purpose â€Å"a decrease in all lower limb amputations from sphacelus by 50 % over 5 years.† The papers â€Å"Working together to pull off diabetes† is really utile from the point of position of educating other members of the squad. It reinforces the thought of consistence of advice given to patients by different members of the multidisciplinary squad peculiarly by druggists, chiropodists, oculists and tooth doctors. An extra of import characteristic is that it promotes acknowledgment of the factors that require pressing attending by a different member of the squad. To do this work efficaciously it is of import that clear referral mechanisms are in topographic point so that the patient can be easy referred straight to the appropriate member of the squad. Knowledge of the aims of other squad members enables a proactive attack to the jobs within the other subjects. The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot describes, in its practical guidelines, five basiss of attention in the diabetic pes ;Inspecting the pes on a regular basisDesignation of the pes at hazardEducating the patient, their household and health care suppliersAppropriate footwearTreatment of non-ulcerative pathologyThe National Service Framework for Diabetes describes agreements for pes attention for diabetics with Foot Protection Programmes for those at hazard of pes complications and to boot a Multidisciplinary Foot Care Service where the squad members here have more extended accomplishment and cognition to cover with diabetics who really have developed pes jobs or who are at particularly high hazard of so making. Involving the patient in the squad Giving advice to the diabetic patient is an of import facet of attention ( NICE 2004 ) . Patients must have pes attention instruction and advice about suited footwear. It is peculiarly damaging to the pes good being of diabetics if they smoke. It is hence of import that the chiropodist stress this and help with supplying aid about smoking surcease AIDSs. This is emphasized in the Prodigy guidelines. Since diabetes is a multisystem upset smoke will be holding an inauspicious consequence on other bodily systems. It is extremely likely that the patient will be having recommendations and advice about halting smoking from many different members of the multidisciplinary squad. This presents a peculiar challenge to the chiropodist. He or she does non desire to lose out treatment of the inauspicious effects of smoking but does non desire to be seen as yet another individual pecking about the inauspicious effects. Merely showing the information in written literature may non do, it might non be read or it might merely intensify a job of information overload. Clearly this illustrates a manner that the chiropodist must work as a portion of the squad holding wi th other squad members how to near the smoke issue and who should make this and with what grade of accent. Communication is critical if this is to work satisfactorily. For case the diabetologist needs to cognize at what degree of hazard the patient’s pess are soon in. If the pes state of affairs is become critical all avenues of trying smoking surcease will necessitate to be invoked. Similarly good diabetic control ( Turner, 1998 ) and control of blood force per unit area ( UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group, 1998 ) are to the advantage of the diabetic’s pess and the chiropodist needs as consciousness of this in order to reenforce the appropriate advice. Davies C 2000 Getting wellness professionals to work together BMJ 320:1021-1022 Diabetes Care and research in Europe 1990 The Saint Vincent Declaration. Workshop study diabetic medical specialty. 7:360 Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Foot Problems for Peoples with Diabetes. Prodigy guidelines. International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed 20 March 2006 Lorimer D French G O’Donnell et Al 2002 Neale’s Disorders of the pes, diagnosing and direction. Churchill Livingstone, London. McInnes 2005 Where were you on World Diabetes Day? The diabetic pes 8 4 National Service Framework for Diabetes Department of Health ( 2003 ) London National Institute for Clinical Excellence ( NICE ) guideline for type 1 diabetes in grownups ( 2002 ) , ( 2004 ) Pickering S and Thompson J, 2003 Clinical administration and best value. Churchill Livingstone. London St Vincent Declaration. Department of Health/British Diabetic Association. St Vincent joint Task Force for Diabetes. British Diabetic Association, 1995. Turner, R.C. , Holman, R.R. , Cull, C.A. et Al ( 1998 ) Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional intervention and hazard of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes ( UKPDS 33 ) . Lancet 352 ( 9131 ) , 837-853. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group ( 1998 ) Tight blood force per unit area control and hazard of macrovascular and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. British Medical Journal 317 ( 7160 ) , 703-713. Working together to pull off diabetes – a usher for druggists, chiropodists, optomotrists and dental professionals. 2004 The National Diabetes Education Program.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critical Thinking 1 Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking 1 - Speech or Presentation Example Economic profit is the estimate of a forgone good. In businesses, the normal profit is required business profit and not in economic profit. If at all the interest on mortgage loan deduction were reduced or removed, then the homeowners will be hurt is a fallacy. Buyers will have to pay low prices. This because home owners get a deduction in tax which a renter paying the same amount will never get. The savings are forced every month in beginning of a mortgage. Owning property such as house is the only avenue for an ordinary person to employ leverage that not only create risk but also rewards. Persons who rent outwardly think they put extra in investments but when subjected to scrutiny it is a fallacy. A house is an asset that depreciates slowly as compared to other assets. The scenario only focuses on the percentage increase in houses but do not provide an argument what return on capital is. If a sales manager happens to announce that a marketing program is being utilized to maximize sales, I would advocate for the program scaled down because the marginal revenue is equal to zero. When the sales are maximum, the marginal revenue is at zero. When now this happen, the marginal cost exceeds marginal revenue, this means that the marketing strategy is yielding too much. For the betterment of the outcome, the marginal revenue should be equal to marginal